Incorrect quotes

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Frost gently shaking Wibur: Wake up Wilbur.

Wilbur: Why are you waking me up at....2am?


Wilbur: Everything's on fire, isn't it?



Bakery: What would you like your cake to say?

Frost covering phone: Do we want a talking cake?

Tommy: Obviously 


Wilbur: I regret buying you a blender

Tommy drinking toast: Why?


Frost: You shouldn't be using a straw

Sapnap: I know, it's bad for the environment and stuff.

Frost: No, I mean its a weird way to eat spaghetti.


Tommy: You know theres a 'U' in stupid

Tubbo: Theres an 'I' too!


Tubbo: wait-


Frost: Im the green power ranger! Power rangers assemble! *distant Star Wars theme song*

Eret: Do you think we should tell them?

Niki: Nah its fine.


Frost: Do you think Im a bad friend Karl?

Tommy: My names Tommy


Frost: Thats against my moral compass

Tommy: Your moral compass is a freaking roulette wheel!


Tommy: Hey Frost wanna hear a joke?

Frost: Oh sure.

Tommy: Memory

Frost: ...I dont get it

Tommy: Exactly 


*among us*

Dream: Whyd you call an emergency meeting?

Tubbo: I missed you guys :(


Frost: Can we go to the liquid zoo?


George: Im going to hope you meant aquarium  


Niki: You know what they say, what doesn't kill you

Tubbo: Could be your friend?

Frost: Will regret it?

Techno: Should have tried harder?

Dream: Was never even a player?

Niki:....makes you stronger...


Eret: Why do you like to be in the rain?

Tubbo: I like splashing in puddles

Sapnap: Drinking the water

Techno: Im trying to get struck by lightning

Wilbur: No one can see me crying.

Eret: Are you guys ok?


*Frost walking into a room annoyed*

Fundy: What were you doing?

Frost: Trying to bake

Wilbur: What did you make?

Frost: I said I was TRYING I didn't actually make anything



Niki cleaning Frosts wounds: hey its fine, nervous?

Frost: Yeah

Niki: Is this your first time?

Frost: No

Frost: Ive been nervous many times


Sapnap: Two heads are better than one!

Frost: Yeah, but not when one of them is yours.


Frost: Look Foxes!

Frost: *running up to the foxes on the otherside of the fence*

Tommy: Should i tell them the fence is electric?

Tommy: Nah

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