Red boy.

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Frost staying in L'manberg won with 4 votes and 1 vote for stay with Bad and Skeppy.

It wasn't long until Tubbo woke up. Frost had been sitting in the bed next to him, thinking to themselves. They heard him stir awake and looked over at him. The disoriented boy made eye contact with the other teen calmed down. Where were they?

"Morning." A small smile deceiving their monotone voice. He was looking around the room, probably with the same questions as Frost. Both felt better being near each other.

"Where are we?" His voice was still hoars from screaming the other day. "Skeppy and Bad's house they found us after the explosion."

"Explosion?" He couldn't remember much; it was all a blur. Frost waved off his question, they went back and laid down.

"Hey Tubbo?" He turned his head facing them, sitting up to look them in the eyes. They sighed.

"Would...Is there anyone that would want to...kill you?" Silence washed over them. The stillness in the air didn't help.

He shook his head, Dream never wanted any of them dead. They were still all friends in the end. Thye both deflated and laid back in the beds.

"I..." They never got the chance to finish. Skeppy and Bad came in hearing voices. Tubbos face brightened upon seeing them. Walking over and hugging the two, it seemed like they hadn't seen each other in a while.

Tubbo chatted with the two catching them up on what happened. Frost couldn't help themselves from looking out the window. They could have sworn they saw someone in the woods, but as soon as they realize, the shadow was gone.

It wasn't long until Wilbur had arrived and was taking the kids back to L'manberg. Frost had chosen to stay with Wilbur and everyone else. They needed to figure out what happened, they doubted they could sneak away as easy with Skeppy and Bad. Saying their goodbyes, they headed off to the walls yet again.

Frost took note of Tubbo being nervous. They assumed everyone would be mad. Tapping Wilburs shoulder to gain his attention. Tubbo kept moving forwards putting him in the lead, Frost didn't mind they needed to talk to Wilbur.

"Hm? What is it Frost?" The slight breeze messed up their white hair. It glowed in the sunlight.

"Dont hurt Tubbo he didn't mean to leave and get hurt." His eyes widen at Frosts statement.

"What do you mean?" He could barely hold his supriced and shock. What did they think he was going to do?

"Please don't hurt him, it wasn't his fault." Their eyes investigated Wilbur's brown ones. They didn't understand why he was confused.

"What do you think we're going to do?" He cautiously asked. They hesitated.

"Lock him up?" They asked causally like it was an everyday thing to say. Wilbur looked at them like they were nuts. Which what they said was nuts.

"Of course, were not going to hurt him. We would never hurt you or him." They blinked. He wasn't mad?

"You aren't mad?" They asked confused. The look on his face told them he was not lying.

"Yeah, I'm a little, that you ran off on your own after we told you not to, and that Tubbo left without telling anyone. But I would never hurt you, give you a stern understanding of what you did was wrong." They didn't seem to understand but was gad Tubbo wasn't going to be hurt. The adult had to wonder what this kid had been through to think they'd be locked up. The white haired teen in front of him was a mystery.

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