*° Chapter One°*

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  This chappy's dedicated to my Father God and Daddy Jesus for all the love, grace and blessings.😘 ❤        
Ps: anaa means 'or' in Ghanaian Language( fante)                               
             One week after my sixteenth birthday, school decided to reopen and I had to report back to school. Not that school was boring.....It just wasn't that fun. I mean, being popular and presenting a different person from the low confident person I actually am. And yes, befriend someone who wasn't a friend. Not forgetting dating someone I shared nothing in common with. Would I even call that dating?

Thinking that all this should help me to feel good about myself. Well they somehow did

But things got better when they arrived......no, he........ohhh spoilers. Everything begins in Chapter One.....


*Ere's POV*

I looked at myself in the mirror, examining my face.


That is what I was. I hated everything about myself. My broad face could have been smaller, my small eyes could have been broader. Even my cute, button nose could have been pointed.

As for my teeth, a little whitening could do. The only thing I loved about myself was my smile. When I smiled, my dimples flashed and the gap teeth showed from my pink, small lips and made me look cute.

A little.

"Ere, hurry up. you're getting late for school" My mother shouted from the living room. My mind snapped at the mention of school and I grabbed my school bag and dashed outside.

I had a reputation to keep. The reputation of a popular, bold, friendly but sometimes sassy girl. When deep down, I felt.............

Broken, Self conscious and worthless.

I sat in the car with my mom as I fidgeted with my skirt, thinking of how my day would go. This was my first year as a senior in JHS. Golden High school had both a Junior High and Senior High School. I was in SHS 1 and a day student. Some of my classmates' parents had changed their status to boarding to make them exprerience  boarding school life lile Government  Senior High Schools.

Though Golden High School had a Senior High section, most parents preferred taking their children to"A" class government schools like Archbishop Porter Girls' and Holy Child School which were very popular schools in Ghana. Also, there was a lot of discipline in boarding schools and students could learn to be hardworking but in Golden SHS, your laundry was done for you, you chose what you wanted to eat, you could have your own private room or share a dormitory with two others, all at your expense.

"Have a nice day darling" My mother's voice interrupted my thoughts and I realized we had arrived at my school.

"Same to you, mom. Love you." I responded, waving my mom as we walked through the gates of their school. Our school was not the biggest but it was definitely the best school in our region.

The school gates were made up of strong iron bars and were surrounded by beautiful marble walls. The school walls were called 'Walls Of Jericho' by the students in the school which was ironic since the walls were so short.

Boldly inscribed on the school walls was the name of the school.

Golden High School.

"You're late." Amos, the grumpy prefect snapped at us with a frown on his face.

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