Chapter 22

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Avni's POV

Oh finally..... finally I am back...... Right now am at airport waiting for a cab.... Actually I could have called bhai and asked him to pick me up from here and he would have gladly done that.... But I wanted to surprise them.

I waited for 10 minutes before I got a cab. It took me around 50 minutes to reach my destination... All because of this stupid traffic.

As I entered I was welcomed by............ No one... And how could I expect them to be here at this time of day.... It's only 5 in the morning they all must be in their rooms.

I was tired from the journey and don't wanted to disturb them so I went to my room.....

I was so tired that didn't even bother to change my clothes. I just crashed myself on my bed and closed my eyes to enter the dream land.

I woke up when the constant ringing of my phone pierced my ears... I  slowly stretched my hands to find that awful evil enemy to sleep, without even opening my eyes.... When I got my phone the call was already disconnected.

I got up rubbing my eyes and looked at clock..... It was 11:30am , which is showing that I am already late.

I hurriedly got up and rushed to get ready..... After getting ready I was going downstairs when I heard some faint sounds of someone fighting.... And it was coming from Mayra's room.

I was walking towards Myra's room and as I was nearing the voices was becoming clearer to me. It was Bhai and Myra. I can clearly hear Myra's loud sobs and Bhai's shout. I became worried and run towards her room.... I reached there and the seen Infront of me shocked me to the core.

There they were arguing over something when bhai pushed Myra but before she could fall I caught her.

"BHAI...." I shouted supporting her. "What is this?.... What were you doing?" I said shocked at his actions. I never expected him to do something like that.

"Bhai.... Bhai.... Bhai stop.... Bhai." I called him in an attempt of stop him but he stormed out without even looking back.

I turned to Myra who was crying sitting on the bed holding her belly.

"Myra.... Myra." I called her and put my hand on her shoulder.... She turned  around and hugged me tightly.... I could feel my dress wetting with her tears.

I slowly caressed her hair.... She was sobbing hiding her face in my belly and her each tears were making me ashamed on my brother's act.... How could he do that.... I never expected that from him..... I was disappointed....

After sometime I felt her calming down a bit.... Her sobs subsided.... She broke the hug and turning her face away wiped her tears.

"Are you okay?" I asked worried and without even looking at me she nodded her head.

"Myra.... Myra look at me." I said turning her face again towards me by cupping her face in between my palms.

"Myra.... Tell me what was all this? What is happening here?" I asked as I was eager to know. All these things were irritating me.

"He...he...he thinks that this child is not his child.... He thinks that I cheated him.... Believe me.... Believe me I can't do that..... I love him I can't cheat him.... Please Avi believe me...." She said holding my hands as tears were following continuously from her eyes.....

"Shh.... Shhh.... Stop crying I believe in you I know you can't do that.... Don't worry I will talk to him.... There must be some misunderstanding." I said and wiped her tears. I know her better than anyone and I know that she loves bhai I saw it in her eyes.

We talked for some more time mostly I was consoling her..... Sometimes later she slept after having her medicines.

I  placed her head gingerly on the pillow which was on my lap earlier.  I got up and decided to talk to bhai.


Divya's POV

As mumma asked me to talk to Papa I called him last evening we talked for around five minutes and before I could talk to him about Di.... The call got disconnected because of some network issues.... So I decided to meet him personally.

I know if I talked to him over the phone on this topic he will not talk to me.... So I decided to meet him.

I also talked about this to  Raunak... At first I was afraid that what will he say... But he agreed quickly.... He said that he wants to move on forgetting his past.... He wants to move on with ME.... So he decided that he will also come with me and will talk to Papa.

"Divya... Are you ready?" I was lost in my thoughts when I heard him calling me.

"Yeah.... Just a minute." I replied and turned around to the mirror to apply the vermilion.... I was going to apply it when he came forward and applied it and kissed me on my forehead...... "Beautiful" he muttered softly but enough for me to hear and looked at me.... I looked at his eyes and got lost in his beautiful hazel brown eyes....

Our moment broke because of the contineous  ringing of my phone I quickly picked it up as it was from mumma.... We talked for few seconds before I cut the call.

End of POV


Vansh's POV

I stormed out of my room as Avni came in.... I didn't wanted to talk to Avni at that moment.... As that time I wasn't in my senses.

I was going towards terrace... As that was the only place which gives me peace....

After sometime when I was a little bit calm I came downstairs to go back to office.... I want to drown myself in work so that I could forget everything.... When I was going towards my car I found a gents wallet laying on the floor  near my car.... I took that and open it so may I could get the owner ID... When open it I saw a pic.... It was Myra's mother's pic.... But whose wallet could it be.....


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