{The Forest}

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A forest surrounded her, safer then the one she had just journeyed from but danger still loomed between the branches. As she ran, the wind blowing the black hair on her head behind her, the base of her dress being torn by fallen branches, she turned back seeing the cottage of a friend in the distance. A friend that was not there when she arrived, a friend whose daughter was also missing.

The rapidly approaching hooves of the queen's guards could be heard behind her as she ran. Her braid slowly coming undone as she stopped behind a tree, hidden from the sight of the soldiers. The hidden dagger in her boot was used to cut the dress she wore down to a more suitable size, a size that she was used to for running in a forest. Looking up to the night sky, two bright stars a beacon for her to be safe, to return home once again sparkled at her as if they were watching. Sighing as her bloodied hand ran through her black locks she took a breath before running again, hand tightened around the strap of her bag, a bear nearly falling out before she steadied him, securing him next to her friend's glasses "Sorry Pooh hold on tight!" the girl spoke quietly before looking back at the soldiers now long gone heading in the direction of a disconnected shadow.

The end of the forest was coming close, a familiar tavern welcoming her with open arms. A duck sign hanging next to the door with three words that made the woman feel safe, the snuggly duckling. "Hello, boys." her voice filled the old inn as the heads of multiple ruthians and thugs turned to meet her eyes. "Sapphire, long time. You don't happen to know where Alice is do you?" Asked the dashing, steely-eyed, swauve, smouldering, devilishly charming rogue Flynn Ryder. "You know her Ryder, she will be down a rabbit hole with her Hatter, now I could do with a drink."

After a full ale filled night in the tavern, Sapphire awoke to a stiff back and the sight of a tilted room. Lifting her head and popping her back, she stood looking around at the gang of so-called criminals who were all still sleeping on the tables. Smiling softly, she left through the door before stopping once she heard a voice, "Leaving so soon, and here I thought you loved me." Turning with a smirk on her face, her grey eyes glistening as she saw Flynn leaning next to the door his satchel on his shoulder, "In your dreams Ryder, I have places to be, people to see." As she turned to walk away once again, she was stopped. This time by a hand on her shoulder, "Well, maybe I can come with? I mean you could use some company, might get... Lonely" The smirk on his face suggesting that he had other intentions then company. The smirk was suddenly wiped from his face as he paled, looking up into the sky, "what the f-" he started to say before he was dragged along by the rebellious woman.

The purple smoke followed the two as they ran trying to beat it. Turning back, they saw the tavern filled with their friends be engulfed by the smoke as they continued to run. "Come on Flynn, We have to run," Sapphire shouted back at him, memories of her past life flashing through her mind as her black hair flew into her face causing her vision to be blurred for a minute. When she moved her hair away, her eyes widened seeing that the smoke had now gotten a lot closer. "Sorry, darling but I don't think we can outrun this one."

Hugging each other close as the smoke crept closer, Sapphire looked up into the darkening sky as a tear slipped down her cheek. "Goodbye Pan". She whispered before hiding her face in Flynn's shoulder. His face was already hidden in her hair and as the smoke surrounded them, both their arms pulled the other closer, Pooh bear squished in between the two as he looked toward the smoke "oh bother".The friends did not dare to let each other go, seeing as they were all the other had left in the world now.

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