chapter 5

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I talked to Blair, I told him I think it is better for me to figure out my feelings without the sire bond, he agreed. He said "I just want what is best for you. I will do it, only for you." I hugged him, I said, "thank you." I told Lily, she was happy I would not have to hypnotize anyone to keep him there. I set the ritual up after I got home, me and Lily waited for Blair. Blair walked with his hood on, that reminded me of the night he turned me. He stood in the middle of the star, I stood in the middle with him, the moonlight hit the middle of the star, a huge surge of light came out of both me and Blair. We looked at each other. He smiled at me, for a moment I was comforted, this pain was similar to the pain of when he turned me. The moonlight moved from the middle of the star, I asked him to test the theory. He said, "kill Lily." Lily gasped, I didn't move, the sire bond was broken, I was free. The feeling was still there, I am in love with Blair. But I love Lily, we cleaned the ritual mess up and we headed to my house. I sat both of them down, I told them everything, "I moved the ritual up, I wanted to see if the reason I started to like Blair was because of the bond. I do have feelings for Blair, but I am also in love with Lily. I need time to sort my feelings out." They both agreed, I asked them, "do you guys have feelings for me, it is okay if your opinions of me change." Blair interrupted Lily, who was about to talk, "I feel the same, I do return feelings for you." Lily now red, "I will always love you, no matter your decision. I will always choose you." I needed them to leave, I kissed Lily, Blair asked to stay behind, I said sure. "I have never felt this way about anyone, I would love it if you chose me." He walked closer to me, he leaned in, I didn't back up, his lips touched mine, it felt right. I loved both of them. Blair walked out, I ran to my bed, I needed to think. I layed down, I thought about both of the kisses. Both of them felt right. I loved Lily but I think I am in love with Blair. I couldn't blame it on the sire bond, I can't think of any reason why I would love him. Maybe I can date both of them, no... Maybe I can date them both, see where my heart takes me. Maybe. I will talk to them tomorrow and see what they think. I will try to get rest. It's the next day and I have to talk to them. I gathered them up, Blair had a box, it looked like a present, I walked up to him, he looked at me, he smiled, he gave me the box, "open it." I looked at him in surprise, I tore the paper and it was a brand new phone. "I destroyed your last one, It was to be dramatic." I thanked him and hugged him, our eyes met and he wanted to kiss, I pulled away. Lily rounded the corner. I looked at both of them, "I want to see where my heart leads me, I will date both of you, and I will make a decision." Blair looked at Lily and said, "I'm in." Lily replied with, "if he is in, I am in." They shot a dirty look at each other. They ran to me, Blair beat Lily to me, he has vamp speed so I don't think it is a fair game, he kissed me, she watched, then when he was done, she tried to beat the greatness of his kiss. This was now a competition, which is the last thing I wanted, I loved both of them. What if I can't choose? What if I want both of them? Is that possible? To have both? No. I had to choose, to not choose would be horrible. It would only hurt them, both of them. Lily turned to me, "I want you to turn me." 

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