chapter 2

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               I woke up to the police in my room, they asked me what happened. I was about to tell them everything, Blair, him biting me, I wanted to tell them everything. Something weird happened. I didn't tell them anything, I couldn't, my brain wanted to tell them everything but my mouth wouldn't relay the message. I ended up telling them, "I don't remember." Even though I knew what happened. The police told me it was okay to not remember everything at first. My parents visited me, they were worried sick, I told them I was hungry, I really just wanted alone time with Lily. Lily came in, crying, she told the police about Blair and me sending her away. I was relieved. I wanted to tell her, but the same thing that happened with the police happened again. My brain sent the message but my mouth did not say it. I told her I was okay and sent her to go eat, she looked pale, and her stomach growled while we were talking. I was about to go to bed when Blair walked in. I started to cry, he sat down next to me. I could hear my heart beating in my ears. The chill being sent down my spine. He was enjoying this. He smiled, "if you haven't figured out what is going on by now, well... I guess I'll have to explain it." He then continued on to say, "I am... Well how do you say this, not human, I am a vampire. I was going to kill you but I decided I would turn you." I replied, softly, "what do you mean you turned me?" He chuckled, "you are like me, soon you'll need to feed," he snapped his finger and a nurse walked in. I looked at the nurse, she was there but something was off, her eyes weren't there. He then said, "don't worry, I hypnotized her, she is... well, your dinner." Just as he said, a sharp pain, hit my throat. I suddenly had strength, I stood up, my body was walking towards her, I couldn't stop myself. There was a sharp pain in my gums, I felt it, two teeth were growing, he told me I would get used to that pain. I turned to the nurse, I could see the vain in her neck, pumping the blood, I longed for that blood. I turned to Blair, he was shutting the blinds to my room and locking the door, I turned to the nurse, who was now sitting on my bed. I put my head to her neck, looked at Blair, he nodded his head, and sunk my teeth into her neck. The feeling of my teeth sinking into her skin, the blood coating my stomach, I have never felt anything like this. She started to scream, the hypnotizing Blair had done was wearing off. I started to realize she was screaming, Blair walked behind me, looked in the nurses eye as I was drinking and her screaming stopped. As he did this, I started to see visions of her life. This made me stop. She was pale. I now knew everything about her, I had seen from when she was born all the way up till now, and the way she saw me. She had two children, they were barely getting by on rent, most or all of the money she had went to her children and paying for their school. She was hypnotized but she could feel everything, Blair only made her be quiet. I didn't know why that was happening. I turned to Blair, blood all over my mouth, "Why did you do this to me!" He didn't reply. I turned to the nurse, the hunger getting worse. They want to sink my teeth into her neck, getting worse. Blair could see me trying to fight it, he said, "finish it" I didn't want to listen but I did it. I sunk my teeth into her neck, seeing her life, up to now, and I couldn't stop. I drank and drank, until there was not even a drop of blood left in her. I turned to Blair and asked him why I felt like what he told me, I had to do, even if I didn't want to. He said, "You are sired to me, you do what I want, when I want." He then said, "grab Lily, tie her to a chair, and kill everyone in the hospital, while she watches." I tried to fight it, I didn't want Lily to find out like this, before I knew it, I was running, the world passing by me, the speed I was going was exhilarating, I didn't want Lily to see this, I fought, but my legs kept moving. Everything inside me told me to stop, I found Lily, she looked at me, as I entered the room, she smiled at me. I started to cry, my mouth started speaking, I didn't even know what I was saying, "come upstairs with me to my room, I want to spend time with you." Lily smiled. She grabbed my hand and headed for my room. We made it to my room, Lily opened the blinds, she saw Blair, the fear in her eyes became apparent. She looked at me, "What is he doing here? He was the last person you saw before you were hurt." He laughed, he looked at me and nodded his head. I led Lily to the chair, sat her down, she tried to fight, I leaned over while tying her up, I told her, "There is a metal rod behind you, when I turn around, hit me in the head with it, hard enough to knock me out." I finished tying her up and looked at her. I made sure to make the knot loose so she could get out. She was confused but when I looked her in the eyes, she knew I needed her to trust me and do it. I turned around to face Blair who was laughing, he was enjoying this. I was about to walk out the room, when I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head. I blacked out, I was on the floor, I could see the roof, I looked at Lily, Lily knew what she had to do. She turned to where Blair was standing, he wasn't there anymore. She ran to me, she apologized, and set me on the bed. I wanted to tell her everything but I couldn't. She wouldn't understand. She would look at me as a monster. I remembered something, the nurse's body, when I was done, I saw Blair put it in the closet next to the bed, Lily went to grab me a coat from there, I stopped her. She turned to me, "Ash, you're acting weird, first you ask me to hit you in the back of the head, you tied me up, and to make everything worse, you don't want me to see what is in the closet." Nervously, I told her everything about Blair, I didn't mention the part where he turned me, she didn't need to know her girlfriend was a murder. As far as she knew, Blair was a vampire, he bit me, and he can hypnotize people, he hypnotized me and that is why I tied her up. I told her I needed her to knock me out because if I was unconscious then I would not carry out his order, his order for me to use a knife and kill everyone in the hospital. She was surprised, weirdly, she didn't look scared, she looked confused. To her, vampires were a part of the fiction world, they were not real, they were stories you told third graders to scare them. I wasn't going to tell her that I was turned or that I killed someone. The worst part is I took joy in killing her, I knew her life and her struggles, but I enjoyed it. I wanted to hear her scream and I wanted to end her life. I never wanted to feel that again, as I was thinking this, I felt a sudden burn in my throat, I could see Lily's neck, the vein, the blood, I could hear her heart. I wanted to do to her, what I did to the nurse, I wanted to suck every drop of blood out of her. All I could smell and think about was her blood. This scared me, I wanted to kill the person I loved. I wanted to hear Lily scream and wanted to end her life. 

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