chapter 3

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I knew I had to get out of there, I wanted to run, I knew if I ran then she would see the speed I had now acquired. I couldn't walk out of there, I needed to get her out. I told Lily I needed some alone time, when she asked why, if anything was wrong, I got mad and told her to leave. I didn't want to kill her and if getting her out required yelling, that is what I would do. She walked out, surprised I yelled at her. I knew I would have to tell her sooner or later, the full story, how he turned me, how I am sired to him, and how he wanted her to watch me kill everyone in the hospital. I needed sleep, I would tell her when I got up, I needed to clear my mind. I closed my eyes and tried to go to bed. I woke up a few hours later and Lily was sleeping next to me, the intense hunger had gone away, it was safe as long as I did not think about her blood. I woke her up and told her I needed to talk to her, I apologized for yelling. I looked her in the eye, I started off with, "what I am going to tell you, it may change the way that you feel about me, the way you see me." She looked at my eyes which were now looking at the floor, she lifted my head up and kissed me. She said, "nothing you could do would make me feel any different. I love you and honestly whatever it is, you can tell me." I started to tear, I told her, I told her what happened, from him attacking me to him telling me I was sired and telling me to kill the nurse. I told her how I saw every part of the nurse's life, how he told me to tie her up and kill everyone in front of her, and even how I wanted to kill her, which is why I wanted her to leave. She looked at me, she walked to the closet, she opened the door, the nurse's body wasn't there but the blood was there. Where was her body? That didn't matter, Blair most likely did something with it. She looked at the blood for a moment. She walked to the counter and grabbed a rag and wet it, she walked to the closet and started to wipe the blood. She cleaned it and walked to the side of the bed. She looked at me with deep eyes, "I will help you through this, we will break the sire bond, and as for your thirst for me, I will wear a scarf. I told you I loved you." I cried, she hugged and kissed me. She told me everything would be okay. I got a whiff of her neck as she hugged me, she chuckled, she wrapped her scarf around her neck, I knew I was falling in love with her more and more. She said she was going to get "food" for me, she could see I was getting hungry. She walked out and I tried to fight the hunger. She came back to the room and handed me a foam cup. I looked at her, she smiled, I drank it, it was blood. I asked her, "How did you get this?" She showed me her arm, she got her blood taken and when the nurse was dealing with other patients, she took the blood bag and poured it in a cup for me. I drank more, she was smiling, I asked her why she was smiling. She told me, "I wanted to help you, this way you get your strength, you will need it if you want to break the sire bond. I did research while my blood was getting taken, the only way to break a sire bond, is to kill the person who you are sired to." I looked at her, I said, "I can't, I don't know how long he has been alive, he must be stronger, is there any other way?" She said, "yeah, it is a ritual, the only problem is you have to do a ritual, in the place where you were turned, you get Blair to come and stand in the middle of a star, the tricky part is keeping him there, and if both of you are there when the moonlight hits the center of the star, the sire bond will be broken." I looked at her, I told her" we would have to go with the second plan, killing Blair, we would be putting our life on the line, we don't know how strong he is." She agreed. It was time to put the plan into motion, I knew I had to keep Blair from finding out, if he found out, he would kill me. I knew I had to research. I remembered he threw my phone, I asked Lily for her phone. I pulled google up and I searched up the sire bond. Google helped out some, I did research and what I found was I have to be careful, there have been times where the person who was sired tried to break the bond but they failed because the sire bond made it to where the person they were sired to could hear their thoughts. It never occurred to me that Blair might be able to hear my thoughts. This could change everything, I had to test the theory. I did research, I found Blair's phone number and texted him from Lily's phone. I told him I needed to meet him. He agreed. He showed up at the hospital a few minutes later, I could feel him near, I turned around, I then said in my head, "You are a buffoon and you messed up my life!" He looked at me weird, he said, "why are you looking at me? Didn't you need to talk to me?" I said, "yeah, sorry, I just needed to make sure that I was still sired." Before he ran off, he looked at me one last time, and he disappeared. Now that I confirmed that he couldn't read my thoughts I planned the ritual. I planned everything down to the very last detail, where it would be (where I was turned), and how I would keep him in the middle of the star. So obviously I will make the ritual where he turned me, I will keep him in the middle by having people there, I will learn to hypnotize them and keep them surrounding the center of the star. He won't want to risk exposing himself, he won't hurt the people who I surround him with. It is all about the when, I would have to wait a few months because I want to see what he will do about me being sired to him. Lily wants to see what he will do with that too. I decided to go to school and try to catch up on my work. I will ignore him and hope he doesn't make me do anything bad. The ritual will take place after I figure out why he is abusing me. While at school I meet up with Lily and we talk but he interrupts and pulls me away from her, making it very hard to ignore him. He used his sire to control even the smallest decisions I try making. Even for something as simple as breakfast, I wanted to grab the cheese and onion burrito and came up behind me and told me to grab the salad because he didn't need my breath stinking when he talked to me. He also said I would need the salad, it looked like I was gaining a few pounds. He also told me, I would need "real" food soon or I may end up ripping the throats out of everyone in school. I decided to go for a drink, I needed Lily, she would help me, I grabbed her and ran to the bathroom. The school bully was in the bathroom, I could see what her life was like and eat. I knocked on the stall, she came out, I first tried hypnotizing her, I looked in her eyes and saw her eyes roll back in head, I was happy I accomplished this. I had felt the burn in my throat and the pain of my teeth coming out of my gums, I sunk my teeth in her neck, I was surprised at what I saw. She is abused at home, her dad is a drug abuser and her mom lives on the streets, unable to take care of her daughter. I stopped, I made her forget that this happened and I couldn't believe it. Lily laughed, she grabbed a paper towel and wiped the blood off my mouth. I told Lily about the school bully. As I was telling Lily, Blair walked in, I screamed, "this is a girls bathroom, what are you doing in here?!" He chuckled, I asked myself, could it be that he loves to cause pain to others or is it that he just loves to cause me pain? He then said, "Lily, leave me and Ash please, I may just tell her to kill you." Lily looked at me, I told her to leave. When Lily walked out, Blair walked closer to me, I started to back up, he cornered me against the wall, he said, "your bisexual, right?" Scared of what he would do, I told him "yes." He leaned closer and before I knew it we were kissing. I felt his fangs come out, I pushed him away. I was scared not because of him, but because I liked it. I have an amazing girlfriend and I didn't need this. I told him, "Why did you do that?" He said, "the taste of the blood, nice touch. You leave that for me?" I heard a gasp, I turned to find Lily standing there. She ran away. I pushed past him to run after her, he pulled me in again and kissed me again, I pulled away and he laughed. I caught up to Lily in seconds and pulled her to the side. I didn't need the whole school seeing this. I told Lily what happened, "He kissed me, he asked me if I was bisexual and I didn't want him to order me to kill you. He kissed me and I pulled away... there is something else, after I started to run after you, he kissed me again. He is just doing that to hurt you and me. Don't let him control us." Lily was crying, I looked her in the eye, I brought her lips to mine and I kissed her, she pulled away and said, "I was jealous." I laughed. I pulled her in for one more kiss, the moment was ruined when I felt my fangs come out, the burn of my throat, I pierced her lip, I needed to run away or I might hurt her. She ran after me, she couldn't keep up. I ran as far away as I could, I needed to find something to eat and now. As I was running, Blair caught up to me, he told me I looked hungry and that I should follow him, he chuckled, he knew I had no choice. He ran into the forest, I followed, there was a group of hikers, he looked at me and smiled, he then said "you know what to do." I walked up to the hikers and told them I was lost, they led me back to their camp and Blair followed the whole way, keeping his distance. We got back to the camp and I sat down. They smiled, and asked my name, I told them "Ash. I don't remember how I ended up in the forest, I just woke up and I was here." The next I know, I have ripped out all of their throats and drank all of their blood. Every last drop. If Lily ever saw this, she would never see me the same again. Blair came out from the bushes, he slow clapped, "that was quite the show. Lily would never understand our kind." I looked at him, I then said "Our kind, she took me being a vampire well, and you probably knew that she was behind us and you decided to kiss me, why?" His eyes turned black, he told me to keep my mouth shut, he heard something. He turned around, "someone is in the bush." he ran to the bush and pulled Lily out. She saw everything.

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