chapter 4

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              I turned to Lily, I started to tear up, "Lily, I am sorry you had to see that... I never wanted you to see that." She turned away, "You killed a whole group of hikers, after you tricked them, and the only reason you did this was because you kissed me. You ran away to stop your hunger because you accidentally bit me." She looked disappointed in me. I started to cry, I turned away, Lily walked to me, she looked me in the eyes, "It is okay, I told you I would help you get through this, we will take care of this." She looked at Blair, he nodded his head, "I will help, just head back to school, go to the locker room and wash up." I looked at him, kissed Lily, and walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek, I started to walk out of the forest and headed for school. Lily turned to Blair, "why did you kiss my girlfriend? She loves me, it is our one year anniversary." Blair laughed, "Maybe she doesn't want to be with you, maybe she wants to be with me, she is sired to me, I could make her fall in love with me." Lily turned red. She gathered all the bodies in a pile, she was ready to start digging holes when Blair stopped her. "This is what I mean, you don't understand our world." He grabbed oil and matches and set the bodies on fire. "You could end up making her life harder, she may love you now, but... I think I am falling in love with her..." Lily didn't respond, she knew if they got into a fight, if he got hurt, or if she got hurt, I would not be happy. "Ash's heart is going to break, what if she has feelings for you? I am in love with her, to be completely honest, at first she was this weirdo who would stare at me, but when she kissed me, I knew that I would love this girl." I got to school, I made sure no one saw me, I used my speed to run, and I showered. It felt nice, the hikers were a family, they were heading for a reunion, they decided to take a little hike before they headed for the reunion. They weren't going to make it to that reunion. The worst part of being a vampire is when I drink their blood, I see their whole life, I guess it keeps our thirst under control, so we may be less likely to kill someone. I cannot believe that I killed a whole group of people, how am I gonna live like this forever. What if I outlive Lily? I couldn't live without her. I don't have to worry about Blair, he is probably 100 years old. Wait... why did he even pop up in my head? He's not important. I dunked my hair under the water. I got out of the shower, wrapped myself in my towel, and headed for the door. I was stopped by Blair, he looked at me, "What are you doing here?" He replied, "I just came to tell you we took care of it, you don't have to worry about anything. Lily has a crazy idea you have feelings for me." I blushed. I didn't consider that I maybe might. What if I loved both of them? I remembered at this moment, he was in the girls locker room and I was only wearing a towel, I shooed him out of there. I got dressed and headed out of the locker room, Lily was waiting outside. She turned to me, "do you love Blair? Do you love me?" I turned away. "I do love you Lily and Blair may be a weirdo but he is growing on me." Lily smiled, "well as long as you love me and you stay with me I am happy." I smiled, I had a lot to think about. Was I in love with two people, is that even possible? I needed to push it out of my mind, I was in love with Lily, Blair was the person who turned me, that is it, maybe it was the sire bond, was he doing this? I had to move the ritual up, it needed to be soon, I need to know if this is fake or if I really had feelings for him. I turned to Lily, "we need to move the ritual up, I have something I need to confirm." She agreed. We moved it up to tonight, I needed to break the bond, this doesn't necessarily mean that I will stop talking to him completely. I just didn't need him controlling me anymore. It would be tonight. 

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