31. Fall of The Beast

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     The Beast stopped mid stride when he smelt a smell he hasn't smelt in five hundred years. Turning his nose up to the air he looks around ignoring the screams of the people he's ripped in two. Seeing in the distance of the smoke and fire he's caused he sees his mate striding towards him slowly and he takes a step back. "No it can't be." He whispers while his mate smiles up to him. "Sable stop this, I am free, our children are free, let the poor girl go you don't answer to them anymore." Salinea says while cupping his cheek. "I, I you're not real." He says stepping back while Salinea frowns. "Sable I'm no liar your sons are here as well, we are free of those fae forever. Let her go and we can all live freely in another realm." Salinea says causing the beast to break down. "I've caused this girl a great deal of pain listening to the command of those people."

"Nooo !"

Turning they see the faerie queen and her army and the beast growls pulling his mate behind him. "Finally at last I'm back where my people are truly meant to be. The werewolf population is almost completely wiped out, my army can handle the remaining ten thousand or so that are left." She says smirking at Salinea. "Who let you escape ?" She growls while Salinea grasps her mates hand before whispering into his ear. "End her."

Sable smirks looking back up to the faerie queen before she steps back slightly as he grows slightly bigger. "Attack !" She screams while the fae army do as told. The Beast makes easy work of the queens guard and looks to her with a bloodied smile. The queen smirks before holding up a single yellow pearl. "Nah Uh, not so fast now Sable. If I crush this pearl the girls soul will fade and you will lose your vessel. You still belong to me." She says a evil smile gracing her face before she feels her hand get grasped from behind. Turning her head Jackson looks at her with a smirk before taking the the pearl from her grasp. "I'll hold onto that." He says setting it into a glass orb that gets locked into place before fading into his skin. "The witches who created Sable are no longer on your side. They created him for your civilizations protection and a guard dog of the royal family. Not to be used as a blood sport for ill will and personal gain." Jackson says while the queen begins to stutter. "I...her..he..her families...an..ancestor killed some of the royal family. We do not allow such treachery." She says looking from Sable to Jackson.

"If you want something done you must do it yourself." She says before grasping her blade from her thigh and shoving it into Jackson's abdomen. "It's silver, I know you little werewolves have a weakness for such metal." She says smirking before she stops feeling a sharp pain into her back through her chest and exiting through her heart. "And I know fae have a weakness for copper." Salinea says twisting the copper rod as the faerie queen gasps in pain. Turning back the queen smirks looking from her to The Beast. "I'll be back, I won't stay dead forever." She says while Salinea shoves a copper blade through her skull. "You see I want you to actually stay dead." She says letting the Faerie Queen fall to the earth. Her blood soaking into the muddy ground. Looking at Jackson she helps him to lay back while he hisses in pain. "How is she ?" Jackson asks Salinea who tends to his wound. "She's fine Sable is keeping her alive. I'm sorry for what my mate has done to your people." She whispers while she begins to heal him. Taking out the blade she tosses it aside. Looking over to her mate she sees him looking at her through the girls eyes before she falls to the ground. "Amelia !" Jackson shouts ignoring the pain in his abdomen before running to her sinking down next to her side. "It's okay Sable is free he's letting the girl go." Salinea says watching her mate manifest into his human form. Looking at his mate he smiles softly at her before he goes to approach her. Stopping he looks down seeing an onyx arrow head sticking out through his chest. "I finally found your weakness." The last witch from her coven stands before him lowering her bow. "Noo !" Salinea screams looking at her mate then to the girl. She raises her hand up then makes a slicing motion slitting her throat. The girl grasps at her throat before falling to the earth. "Sable ! Sable my love no !" She cries while Sable just lays there looking up to her before cupping her cheek. "It's okay it's what I deserve after what I've done." He says before he grows weaker letting his hand fall back to his side. "Tell the girl I'm sorry." He says before the light leaves his dark eyes and he's no more. Fading into dust, the air carrying his ashes away. The only thing remaining is the arrow and Salinea picks it up before snapping it and tossing it away from her.

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