14. Weakness of the heart pt1

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         "Dad why am I in the basement ?" I ask with fear while he lays me down on the concrete floor. The cold feeling from the concrete has my body shivering in anguish at what's to come. "You're going to shift over and over again while your wolf fights the rejection." My dad says while he sits down beside me. My bones slither under my skin like a snakes. Causing me to hiss in pain at the feeling. "The human side rejected the other, but your wolves are a different story. First the multiple shifts then the extreme heat from you." My dad continues while I roll over to my back. "Heat ?" I ask while a wave of pain over comes me. Clenching my teeth I look over to my dad while he watches with tears in his eyes. "The heat is your wolves way of trying to be claimed if not by your mate then any unmated male wolf can try to have his way with you, that's when your brothers step in they will keep you safe." My father says while I begin to get scared. "Whatever happens do not give into your heat you must fight it, I'm sorry for this I wish it could be different Amelia." My father finishes before standing. Hearing the rattling of chains I watch as dad approaches me. "Why are you wearing gloves ?" I question before dad closes his eyes. "I'm sorry sweetheart." He says before he drops the heavy chains on me. Screaming in pure agony I try to pull them off but it doesn't help. "The silver chains will weaken you enough to make you unable to move when you continue to shift. After that I will remove them, when your like this your wolf can not only cause harm to you but to others as well." He says while I just lay still hearing the sizzling of my skin as it burns against the chains. My bones begin to break and I scream in more pain before I close my eyes.

Facing Rejection & The Curse of The Faerie QueenWhere stories live. Discover now