Chapter 8

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Tris' POV:
As I go further down the hallway, the crowd that was once full of people has thinned. I keep going, moving my arms as fast as possible
when I see Tobias. "Tobias!" I say as loud as I can so he can here me over the chaos. It comes out weaker than I wanted but he turns.

"Tris what are you doing! Go, get out of here!" He looks really worried.

"Tobias what's going on?!" More worried looks, "Tobias! Talk to me!" He just stands there like a statue for a few seconds then looks at Zeke. Zeke quickly walks over to me and rolls me away. "No! Stop! What are you doing!" I turn my head so I can look at Zeke and Tobias. Zeke is pushing me so hard so fast I think I may fall out.

"Trust me Tris...." Is all he says before slows down in front of a small door. He knocks three times then it opens. We go inside and Zeke shuts the door. I see Christina, her family, Zeke's mom, and Cara. They all look frightened. Christina looks up at Zeke and Zeke slightly shakes his head. Christina looks at me and then at Zeke again.

"Tris, Four will be here in a few minutes. Just stay here and stay quiet" Zeke then opens the door, walks out, and closes the door quietly. Stay quiet, but why? And why did Tobias look at me so worriedly? I have so many questions that I know will remained unanswered until all of this is over. I look around the room again. It's a small room with plain walls and little light. This was probably a small office before. I look at all the worried faces again. And I realize... that Caleb isn't here.

"Christina," I say quietly, "Where's Caleb?" She just looks at me and then looks away again. Why won't anyone talk to me?! "Christina," I say again," where is he?!" I start to panic and wheel towards the door. I have to find Tobias. He will tell me what's going on. Then I stop. Or will he? He already sent me away without talking to me so why wouldn't he do it again? I feel so useless right now and I don't know what to do. I'm stressed, confused, tired, and worried all at the same time. I put my head in my hands as tears roll down my cheeks.

After what feels like forever, I hear three knocks on the door. Christina gets up and opens it. Zeke walks in followed by Tobias. Tobias shuts the door and my heart starts to pound faster and faster. Where's Caleb? Tobias walks over to me. His face is all beat up. He is bleeding down the left side of his face and has a big bruise near his jaw. He sits down next to me and looks at the floor. I look at him and know that there's something going on, something he doesn't want me to know about. I gently turn is face towards mine and see his eyes, worried and tired. I turn away. I don't want to start crying in front of him. "Tobias," I finally get his name out without bursting into tears, "Where's Caleb?"

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