Chapter 41

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Tris's POV:

After the bomb squad cleared the area, Tobias and I made our way out of the bomb shelter. The place was in pieces.

The world is falling apart, I think to myself.

I think about the fringe and how it's destroyed almost every relationship I've had- just because some people are genetically pure and some are genetically damaged- which I disagree with 100%.

Tobias takes me hand in his as we walk through the rubble.

Luckily, neither him nor Caleb have been 'under simulation' lately or have tried to attack me. It seems as if the fringe has moved it's goal from killing me, to killing everyone I touch.

Tobias and I walk far from what's left of the building and sit on the grass. I pull strands out one by one as thoughts race through my head.

This is all my fault.

I killed Will.

My parents died because of me.

Innocent children are injured because of me.

I am a ticking time bomb ready to explode.

I lay with my back touching the dry grass and cover my face with my hands as I cry.

Tobias immediately takes notice and pulls me into his arms.

"Hey, what's the matter?" he asks me.

"Tobias, how are we supposed to live like this?" I break my gaze on him and look around me. The rubble. The people.

"It's not living, but since the last war something's different. I can see it."

"What can you see?"

"Hope," he replies.

"Hope?" I echo. That's the last thing I see around here. I see pain and suffering but the last thing I can imagine is hope.

"Tris, you give these people hope." His words bring me back to when I talked to the young girl.

You're my hero, she said.

I lean over to Tobias and kiss him on the lips. Normally I would argue that I am the one causing all of this and that I can't be a sign of hope, but for this one time, I believe him.



"I want to go back to Chicago," I state.

"Tris..." his voice trails off.

"Tobias, it's our home and I'm not just going to sit here and watch it fall apart."

"Okay, but on one condition," he adds.


"We don't take any unnecessary risks. We are going to take it slow and recover first." He looks at me for my approval.

I nod and smile.

We are going home.


We talk to the rest of the group and everyone agrees... well, everyone except Caleb.

"Beatrice? Can I talk to you... alone?" he asks me.

"Yeah, sure." I follow him to a nearby tree, far enough away where my friends won't be able to hear. "What do you want to tell me?" I ask sincerely.

"Beatrice, look at all of those people."

I look in the direction he is glancing at and notice women, men, and children of all different ages, some injured and some not. Many are in tears or are hugging one another.

"This is a broken society, like ours. But look. It's smaller and they don't have many people left to rely on," he sighs, "I want to go with you to Chicago, I really do, but how can I leave these people when I know I can help them?"

I look at him. His face is crossed with despair and sorrow.

He's right.

I am their hope, and I'm leaving them.

I know I have to go, I have duties to fulfill in Chicago, but the least I can do is leave my brother to help them pick up the pieces. My pieces.

I nod my head and force a smile. "Thank you, Caleb... for everything," I tell him.

"I love you, Beatrice. Never forget that."

I hug him gently, reminding myself that we were both Abnegation and hugging isn't really custom. I break away and walk towards Tobias.

I turn my head around and see Caleb run over to a young child struggling to get over the rubble.

I smile as tears splash on my cheeks.

I am so lucky to have an amazing brother like him.

I have always known this: life damages us, every one. We can't escape that damage. But know I am also learning this: we can be mended. We mend each other. And I know my brother will help mend the society, and they will help mend him.

"Ready to go?" Tobias asks when I reach him.

"Yes," I say and for the first time, I have confidence that I have made the right decision.

He slings his arm around my shoulder, knowing that we will mend each other soon enough.


So I have received some comments encouraging me to post more chapters at a time and my response to that is this:

I will do my best to post often and post a lot at a time; however, I can't guarantee that that will be the case each time. I am starting to write longer chapters and by the sequel I will definitely have a good system down. But for now, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to post new chapters later this week!


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