Friends forever..

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At night, Pragya jumped into abhi's house balcony and slowly sneaked into one room ....

One person: did you bring that..

Pr: haan

She opened her bag and took out a whiskey bottle and gave him..

Pr: this is for this whole week so don't finish this today itself Baba..

That person is none other than abhi's father ...

That person is none other than abhi's father

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Baba: teekey pragya beta..

At that time abhi came inside the room...

Baba hided the bottle under the bed...

Ab: fuggy stop spoiling him

Pr: you are the one who is spoiling him...why did you give money to him, I said you not to give him right

Ba: why

Pr: what why...did you promised me that you will only drink according to my chart otherwise I will send you to rehabilitation center...

Ba: no no beta ...I will drink only when you say

Pragya smiles and hugs him

Pr: you are so cute Baba

Then pragya and abhi comes to abhi's house teracce...

Ab: fuggy....why are you allowing him to drink

Pr: common are just thinking about his health, I am thinking about his mind too...he can only be in peace when he drinks, let his pain lessen abhi

Pragya sits on the floor and rests her back on the compound wall..
Abhi lays on her lap...

Pr: tomorrow morning get up at 4 ...

Ab: you wake me up

Pragya strokes his hair and says," why are you stressing this much...see your hair started to fall..if this continues then you will soon become a bald head... then no girl will marry you.."

Abhi ignores her as he knows why she is bringing this topic, she is trying a lot to change his mind but he is very strong in his decision about going to army...

She will not directly say not to go because she loves what he loves ...

Seeing abhi dozing off, she says," go in and sleep"

Then both left to their rooms...

Next day morning at 3: 45 , pragya is trying to wake her Dumbo..

Pr: abhi get up .... please...abhiiii

Seeing him not waking, she gets up on the bed and kicks him down...

Abhi rolls down and again continues his sleep...

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