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A/N: Izzy changed Ivy into the pajamas above

A/N: Izzy changed Ivy into the pajamas above

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Warning: Contains a major spoiler from The Infernal Devices

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Warning: Contains a major spoiler from The Infernal Devices

Sometimes we don't appreciate the ones we love enough. We think we do, but we don't. Then when they leave us, we think of all the things we could have and should have said. We regret not telling them we love them and how much we don't want to loose them but when we can't. When we wake up to the void beside us, do things without their help, and follow our routine without them is when we realise what we actually lost. The Lightwoods were no strangers to death, but that of one of them, especially the oldest broke them. The children were sure that their sister would wakeup and shout at them for trashing her room and the mother was sure that her daughter would wake up and help her with the files as they converse with a cup of Hot Chocolate. They knew how heartbroken she would be when she comes to know that Jace chose to be with Clary instead of even checking up on her.
They waited and waited. But a week had gone by. They wanted to announce her dead so they could cry and loose hope that she will come back but according to Klaus, she wasn't dead. He said he could feel it, how they don't know. So, when the oldest refuse to move, they did the only thing they could. Call Magnus Bane and ask him what's wrong. He did his thing and the answer broke their hearts "It seems as if her soul is happier where it has been sent. And her conscience does not want to return." Maryse nodded "Thank you Magnus." And he gave them a small sad smile, leaving. 

Luke had gotten better over time. The cup was at Luke's drawer at his office. Jace didn't come home for Ivy. He, instead, had the nerve to call Alec for help. Alec and Izzy were reluctant to go but they knew that Ivy would have kicked their asses if they didn't help Clary and Jace, so being the good siblings they are, they decided to help him. There were no mentions of Ivy throughout the whole expenditure. Alec was mad. Furious. And izzy wasn't so far behind but refrained from showing it. They didn't know this anger would only increase.

Back at the institute, Ivy fluttered her eyes open. She was happy n her dream land but knew she had to return to her siblings. She couldn't handle her little sister crying and crumbling for Ivy, so she returned. The first disappointment was that Alec wasn't beside her, either was Izzy. Her mind didn't wander to the blonde for even a minute. Standing up, she saw Brother Zachariah in her room, beating a few herbs together "Jem?" She questioned and he slowly turned around. 'Jem' slowly let go of the facade that he had on to become a Silent Brother and nodded "Hi V." He spoke. His accent still had that British and Chinese accent in his English. "What were you beating up?" And he smiled, sadly "These are some herbs that Will used to study and tell me about. They're supposed to help you, supposedly." The Lightwood smiled. She knew how much Jem missed Will "He is happy where he is." And Jem smiled "Gabriel would have liked you." He spoke softly and Ivy laughed "He is my ancestor. He's supposed to." Jem laughed along but stopped when he saw Ivy's leg shake. Sighing, he brought the small paste towards the girl "Eat it. You'll be alright." Taking a sniff, the shadowhunter crinkled her nose but seeing the expectant yet encouraging look on Jem's face, she sighed and took it all down in one gulp, gagging at the taste "What is this shit?" Jem laughed out loud at this and smiled with a distant look in his eyes, as if he was remembering old times, which he was "I had gotten badly hurt once after patrolling. Will had read about these herbs tat strengthen your body and he practically forced Sophie, our then maid to make the paste. She didn't really like Will but did it anyway because he was cunning. When I took it, I was definitely rejuvenated as much as I could be..." he stopped himself from revealing his secret of past life before continuing "So, we made it a tradition. We always ate this paste when we came back from the patrolling or missions. Helped us out without runes." Ivy smiled sadly at him, knowing he missed his parabatai "I think I would have liked him." And Jem nodded "He did have a strange fear of ducks and an obsession with Demon pox. That could get annoying." And for the first time since she had woken up, Ivy thought of the blonde in her life. Knowing how he had forbidden any ducks mentioned in his presence and believed that those who hung out with the demons would get a disease. Just before she could say something, there was ruckus outside and she turned back to see that Jem had covered himself with his cloak and now, his mouth was again sewn shut. "Thank you for your assistance Brother Zachariah." Ivy spoke as he exited the room.

Feeling the herbs working, Ivy was strong enough to stand on her own but her legs still pained a lot, result of the torture. Her body ached too but it had calmed down after the herbs. Standing in front of the body mirror of her closet, Ivy sighed. There was a big wound from her left wrist to her elbow on the inside which she knew would leave a scar and a gash on her back, a small one. It ran from the middle of her backbone to about 3 inches above. Changing into one of Alec's oversized hoodie with sole black leggings, Ivy headed towards the Ops centre where a lot of commotion seemed to be happening. The sight that her warm brown eyes fell upon froze her and her heart broke. There she saw Jace Wayland, kissing the redhead. Clary Fray. As her eyes wandered, she saw Alec's jaw tight with his fists clenched while Izzy seemed to be glaring at the couple, her whip at her side but her eyes held sadness.
When the two broke apart, Clary's eyes seemed to have fallen on Ivy. Clary smiled at her. It wasn't a 'I got what I wanted' smile, instead an innocent 'Good to see you're okay now' smile. Ivy returned it. She couldn't exactly blame the Fairchild for anything. Jace turned to see what Clary was smiling at and froze. The glint in his eyes was gone and replaced by guilt yet relief. She assumed that he was relieved that she was alive though he couldn't have cared less. Or so she thought. Ignoring all of them, the moment Alec's gaze settled on his twin, he smiled but it was gone when he remembered the argument they had and the wounds on her body. Before he could apologise, Ivy limped over to him and hugged him tightly. One of her hands were at the nape of his neck and the other at his chest as she seeked comfort in the warmth of her brother. Alec rested his chin on her head and let a small smile slip "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I did t think and let everything get to my head. I love you and I'm so so sorry." He repeated the word 'Sorry' over and over again. And even though his words had hurt Ivy to the core, he was her brother. Her twin. And she understood where he was coming from. Their mother could be intimidating at times. "I forgive you." She spoke pulling away and kissing his cheek. Turning to her sister, Izzy didn't hesitate a moment to hug her older sister "Magnus told us that you were happier wherever you were. Did you not miss me?" She questioned. No matter how much expert Isabelle would become, she was always a little girl to Ivy who wanted someone to protect her when the thunders rained upon Earth and vanished her sleep. Ivy shook her head while rubbing her hands up and down Izzy's back "I did. And I'm sorry. I had gotten extremely selfish." Izzy pulled away and wiped her nose, displaying a smile "It's okay."

"Ivy.." A voice called out to her and Ivy looked back to see the blonde nee she had grown to love. "I-" But before he could continue, Ivy held her hand up, interrupting him. "Good work on getting the cup, Mr.Herondale. I expect you to keep it somewhere safe." She spoke. But what hurt Jace was the fact that she spoke to him like one speaks to one of their fellow colleagues, someone who they do not like. She was not speaking as a friend, but as the head of the institute. Jace knew he messed up... he could only hope that he would get his Ivy back.

A/N: Ta da? So we have a new chapter today. It's been like six months since I last updated or something but yeah.
This was a really boring chapter, and we had like just Ivy waking up and forgiving Alec cuz honestly, duh. He's her twin. And I didn't really know how to incorporate Ivy into the episode but yeah this worked. Sort of. Wattpad disn't let me add a gif :(


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