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On September 12,1989- In an institute of Shadowhunter's of Idris, Maryse Lightwood gave birth to twins. As he held them, she could see that they had a strong twin bond. "Ivy Azariel and Alexander Godine Lightwood. They will grow up and have a bond stronger than any Parabati." Maryse and Robert smiled proudly at their children and knew that the new generation of Lightwood's will restore their name and make better choices than they did.

On a sunny day of May 1991, the twins sat together at a bench waiting for their father to call them. The children had grown up faster than a Mundane and were already excelled in walking and talking, though, sometimes there were some issues "I heard father saying it's a girl,Aly." A 2-year old Ivy spoke to Alec. The nickname was a unique she had picked up for him. "I know V, I can't wait to protect her too." He buffed his chest trying to look intimidating but obviously failing. "I am the elder sister her Aly." Ivy giggled. Alec shook his head "Only by 2 minutes." "But still I am." They broke into giggles before looking towards the direction where they heard their father's voice "Alexander, Ivy. Come on and meet your baby sister." The twins got up and followed their father. Ivy looked down at the hazel eyed baby before speaking up "Can we call her Isabelle?" Maryse nodded and chuckled "Isabelle Sophia Lightwood."

It was a rainy day of 2001 when two figures could be seen in the training room. Both of them held separah blades and attacked but were careful enough not to cause some serious damage. The girl with thick black hair and brown eyes effectively blocked her brother's blade attack before swinging the blade and landing it on his neck. She smirked before saying "I won, brother." Isabelle started giggling and clapping for her sister as the boy with the dark brown and hazel eyes smiled at his sister before embracing her and reaching for a towel to wipe his sweat off with. The twins were unbeatable together. They already had a strong bond and at times they would go on fighting for hours before the other one would let them win so they could get over with training and relax.

Alec reached out for a water bottle when he saw something on the monitor "V! There is an intruder nearby. Get Lauren now!" Lauren Salvatore was one of the adults at the institute even though she was only 16. She was originally a vampire who had shadowhunter-ic abilities. So, the clave put her test and she didn't only turn out to be smart but also brave and courageous. So, the Clave accepted her and allowed her to work here. Also, she is Isabelle's Godmother.

Lauren was sleeping peacefully when there was a rapid knock on her door. Waking up, she walked still sleepily to the door and on opening saw a 12 year frantic looking Ivy. "Bad dream baby?" Lauren asked but she shook her head "There was something on the monitor when Alec told me to get you." This woke her up and she immediately grabbed her robe and stele and headed toward the ops centre.

Lauren stopped in front of the monitors and looked around seeing no one but Ivy and before she could question, Ivy spoke up "Alec is putting Isabelle to sleep. We were training so that we can get off the hook Tomorrow and she snuck out. He knew she would be scared so he decided it was best if she was asleep." Lauren nodded and spoke up "From what I see, it's a fellow shadowhunter but it's tough to recognise if it's a rogue or not." Ivy listens to her rant before slowly sneeking out. She went to the training room, placed her palm on the scanner and the weapon's rack pulled out. That were the perks of being a Lightwood she guessed. Her palm and finger prints were extremely important and were used a lot of places. She took a Seprah blade and placed two daggers into her knee high boots. She was wearing a Nike plain white shirt with some training shots and Knee high shoes. She quickly tucked her stele into the shorts waistband and snuck out to see the intruder for herself.

There she saw a small boy with blonde hair and blue- brown eyes. She held onto her sword and made sure not to harm or arise suspicions in him if he turned out to be a mundane. Oh, how much of an earful she will get. By the looks of it, he couldn't have been more than 10. "Who are you?" She asked in a calm voice. He saw how her body had only two runes. She had a healing rune on her forearm whereas she had a really unique twin rune on her wrist. She saw him staring at the rune and remembered the story behind it. Looking at him, she stepped forward and held her hand out "Since you can see the rune, I am gonna guess you are a shadowhunter too. I am Ivy. Ivy Lightwood." She smiled warmly and he looked at her a little spektically before shaking her hand "Jace. Jace Wayland."

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