chapter 2

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A/n so sorry for the spelling mistakes but I have no one to edit for me so please bare with me


"Were am I sleeping?"

"Umm you can take the bed I will take the couch"she shifted in the seat coming closer towards me "your so warm"I let out a soft chuckle of course I was warm I am part wolf after all

"Are you hungry or something?"I want her to at least be comfortable "no I am fine I am a little cold though"I pull her closer to me giving her a big hug "is this better?"

"Yes very"



"Do you want to make it work?"I want to make it work it has to she's my mate there is a reason she was mine and I intend on keeping it that way

"Blake it's not that easy I mean your a god damb werewolf and alpha to be exact and I ma well a pure blood vampire I was born like this just like you were born the way you are if my family finds out I don't know what there going to do I am scared and then your family what will they say about it I don't think they would particularly accept me as there luna"

I could see her eyes starting to tear

"Red night I accept you as my mate I will do all I can to be with you and I don't care what others say as long as I have you with me" she turned around facing me

"Blake water I accept you as my mate"

My wolf howled in happiness yes she accepted us


I woke up to find red wrapped around me on the floor I pulled her off gently and layed her on the bed pulling the covers on her I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went to make breakfast 'I still can't believe you cook man' shut up tanner ugh can't believe he's my wolf sometimes it shocks me

I cooked us some pancakes and put her favorite fruit on top strawberries

"Blake what are you doing?"

"Oh Crap you scared me I was well making breakfast"

"Oh thank you I really don't know how to cook so thanks and it smells so good wait are thoes strawberrys yum!"

She had the cutest expression i dont mind if she didnt know how to cook liked cooking it relaxed me a bit so her unable to do it made me feel proud

"Any time" I set the plate out infront of her and she took it hungrily

"This is so good ..... hoe did you learn to cook like that?"

"I guess taking cooking lessons in high school pays off and having an unnatural love to it also"

"Wait you took cooking in high school?oh my that's just wow! you gotta be pretty brave but I am glad you did cuz this way I can enjoy watching you cook and I can eat good food" i wanst really offended it was actualy a joke throughout high school an alpha with a love for cooking wasnt necessarily normal but who ever tasted the food would imidiatly fall in love

"I want to know more about you red"

"What do you want to know?"

It took me a while to think but i wanted to know so many things

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Yes 2 my brother silver being the oldest and my sister dark being the you have any siblings?"

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