"Ugh...my body is so drain..gotta take a nap first...chao~" Samantha said before waving her hand to Matilda who waved her hand too, when she suddenly remembered that she's trapped in this big bird cage.

"Brat! How about canceling your spell hmmm?" Matilda said while smiling, Samantha halted then turn around at her with an innocent look.

I don't like that look

"But....Lady Matilda has been really mean for making Samantha suffer for the last four days...." Said by Samantha in wondering tone and her palm is on her left chin while tapping it.

Matilda angrily glare at Samantha, but Samantha just gave her the famous smirk of Samantha Evergreen.

"Y-you!! I will make you a frog then I will fry you then feed you to my-----" Matilda was shut when a mask made of metal suddenly appeared on her face, she looks at Samantha who is waving pose of its hands.


"What? I can't hear you? What I should rest? Yeah I really need that...thank you for understanding Old hag~" Samantha Teasingly said to Matilda before entering the witch house.


"See this boiling water" said by Matilda to her, Samantha just nod coz she can't speak right now. Matilda sealed her voice as a punishment for her childishness said by Matilda to her.

Well she just left her Master/teacher outside for almost five hours. So yeah Matilda was ranging when she finally broke the darn cage. She doesn't want to admit but the bird cage made by this brat is strong and almost unbreakable, that spend her five hours to break! And the most annoying is the metal mask on her face! She even tried to summon her book of spell but her book for some reason did'nt come to her.

(The Reason: Samantha locked her book of spell in the tube full of enchantation so her book of spell can go to her~)

"Since you can create thing much more faster that before...we will focus now on your Liquid magic." said by Matilda while Samantha is rolling her eyes

Matilda caught her rolling her eyes, then Samantha just smile at her. Matilda took a deep breath.

Maybe I should seal her face too..

Matilda said in her thoughts but she immediately shake her head of that idea.

Samantha looks at her waiting for her instructions. Matilda clap her hand because is totally forgot why she bring the brat here. Samantha rolls her eyes again, she have a feeling that the old hag forgets what they going to do here in the kitchen.

"Right! You know your Liquid magic can do many things, Its somehow similar to water magic in Salt kingdom right" Matilda explained, Samantha nods.

"See that steams?" She asked, as the  steams from the boiling kettle dances on the air. Samantha rise her brow at Matilda saying I'm-not-blind-like-you look.

"This brat...Well I want you to gather those steams and bring them back into water then boiled it again then repeat the process...until I get back home" said by Matilda that made Samantha speak without words but she is pointing the boiling water and annoyance is written on her face.

"Stops complaining! I don't even understand what is your saying except for..." Matilda acted up Samantha's expression and hand gestures earlier.

Samantha face palm because of that while looking at Matilda. Her looks saying you-got-to-be-kidding-me look.

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