Chapter 4

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Alec's POV:

It's been a week since I met Aurora and honestly she has made my time with the Volturi and in this castle better. My existence had started to get boring, I guess that 1200 years of doing the same thing over and over would do that to you. Go to Aro, get sent on a mission (normally out of control newborns or something to do with the Southern wars becoming too obvious), come back, hang around the castle for a week being the emotionless feared witch twin with Jane and then it began all over again. But, Aurora stopped the dreary routine, she changed it-made it more exciting.

A pillow being thrown at my head snapped me out of my thoughts along with the cute giggles that escaped the beautiful ghost-thing (I honestly don't know what to call her) "Alec if you think too hard the little brain cells that you still have will disappear" Aura stated

"I could say the same for you" I responded, cringing at how lame that response was. She simply raised an eyebrow before stating quietly knowing that I would hear "too late they've already gone" that made me burst out laughing. I smiled, a real smile. I know Alec Volturi smiled. I had been doing that a lot around Aura now; also fighting one when I see her in the throne room during my guard duties doing silly faces across the room, or imitating one of the kings, even when she pretends to be Jane when she tortures someone (it is hilarious). Like I said she made my existence better. This time a knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts. "Brother I need to talk to you" my sister's voice appeared from the other side. I opened the door for her and she stepped into my room, she shut the door behind her and made herself at home on my bed. "Ally whats going on with you? You've been different, smiling more and you always look like your trying not to laugh when you stare at nothing" I fought a growl. How dare Jane come into my room and call my Aura-wait...What?! Why did I call her my Aura, she isn't mine...and yet it felt right to call her that-like it was meant to be. "It's okay Alec, she doesn't know about me remember. She can't see me only you can" Aura whispered into my ear. She had probably noticed me tense  and fight the growl bubbling inside me. The animal inside me wanted to tear my sister's head off and set fire on it for calling Aura nothing but, my head told me she didn't do it on purpose because she didn't know. 

Eventually, my head won over. "I have no idea what you are talking about sister" I lied to my sister. I always was a good liar able to trick anyone into believing me. "Stop lying to me Alec and tell me what is going on"-everyone but my sister.

"Nothing is going on, I just met someone that's all" I responded, I wasn't technically lying I did meet someone... she just didn't know that only I can see the person that I met. And that said person was in this room... right now... trying to calm me down. I'd sound mad if I explained all of this to her. "Okay Alec, if you are just going to keep lying to me I'll have Aro find out. I don't like how distant we have become. You are my twin, we have been through everything together" she is right, no matter how much I hate to admit it... Jane is right. We have been through everything together-from being know as the witch twins to burning at the stakes together to finally becoming vampires. We had been through everything together. But now we can't because if I tell her what has been going on this past week she'd think I'm mad. Honestly, sometimes I think I'm mad.

While, I'd been pondering this I didn't realise that Jane had gone. "Alec, you aren't mad. You know that right" Aura assured me, shocking me out of my daze. Sometimes, I wonder whether she can read minds like that Cullen but then other times I just wonder whether she is just perceptive; a talent that you pick up from knowing people and just watching them-both things she does often. 

"Thank you Aurora... you always know what to say" I spoke

"Damn right I do" she giggled causing me to laugh too. I love that, she can just walk into a room and make my mood better or just laugh and then  laugh almost like it's contagious

"Can I show you somewhere?" I suddenly ask her. I wanted to ask her before my sister walked in but, I didn't get the chance... and I had been too nervous. This place that I was about to show her was one that only I knew about, it was where I went to think and get away from people. Even Jane doesn't know about it. I love her I really do, she's my twin, but even twins need space from each other and with Jane she just has a bad pessimistic attitude that makes people need a break from her.  "Sure Alec, but I can't promise I haven't seen it before" she giggled

"I assure you Aura, you haven't seen this place"

"We'll see" she winked at me, the action made me fight against the urge to pin her to a wall and claiming her as mine. My thoughts were actually scared me slightly. I hadn't been scared for around 1100 years. But, anyway I had only really known her a week no matter how much longer it felt (forever, however cringy that sounds). I shouldn't be thinking these things I had a mate out there in the world; someone who was supposed to be mine forever and no matter how much I wanted it to be that person couldn't be Aurora Black right? Shaking that thought from my head, I held out my hand towards her "shall we go then?"

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