Chapter 1

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It has been three years since that day, where the Cullen's welcomed a new girl into the world. A literal Sleeping Beauty.  The child had yet to wake from her slumber, had yet to escape from the darkness that surrounded her mind.

Just like her mother she inherited the vampire gene and just like her father she inherited the shape shifter gene. The girl had a fast growth and now looked around 14 years old. Today was her birthday and the day that she would hopefully fight the battle against the darkness to be able to at least see her family if not with her own eyes then with something else....

Aurora's POV:

Darkness, that was all I could see. Silence was all that surrounded me and then. "Jake, do you think that she is going to be like this forever?" a woman's voice asked. It was a nice voice quite soft and musical. "I don't know Ness, I hope not. She won't have the chance to be a child. And I don't think I could bear it" another voice responded , Jake I guess. His voice was quite deep and had a feeling of power to it. Fighting to open my eyes, I looked around. Two people were standing over a body of a 14 year old girl. One was a woman, she had tears in her eyes and bared a slight resemblance to the girl on the bed. A man was holding the woman close to him like she was the only thing on the Earth and was looking sadly down at the girl on the bed. He too had a slight resemblance to the girl on the bed. Looking closer at this girl, I realised that it was me so, what was I? I walked no. Floated over to the mirror in the room and realised that there was nothing there. I sighed sadly so what? I was supposed to float around invisible forever while my perfectly visible and beautiful body was laying on a bed asleep? I hope not, I don't think I could live like this. Invisible forever. 

I walked out of the room and carried on around the house. There were another eight people that I found. Edward who appeared to be my mother's father and could read minds. I found him comforting my mum later that day. He was holding her and telling her soothing words hoping that he could make her feel better-he didn't understand the pain that she was going through to be of much use to her though. I found my mother's mother in that room too not saying anything just holding her. Her name is Bella and she is a shield. Funny how opposites attract. There was also a beautiful woman with long blonde hair called Rosalie she was in her room with a big guy named Emmett. Then there were Alice and Jasper a bubbly pixie like woman and a very reserved guy that looked to be a bit uncomfortable whenever he was around some people. Finally there was a woman who looked to be very motherly and a man who was sat in his study looking at legends and going through lots of old books that littered the room.

It was like this for three days until one day Carlisle called a meeting in the living room. "I want to go to the Volturi" he stated once they were all sat around

"What?!" Rosalie exploded. She had a big heart although she didn't often show it unless she was around Renesmee or her mate "you want to join them? GO to the people who less then a decade ago were out for our heads?"

"He didn't say that Rose, he wants to use their library. He thinks that they might have an idea or something there that could help Aurora" Edward spoke, probably reading his mind. Throughout my three days as a ghost I didn't stay around Edward often as I didn't want to attract anymore attention to myself and I didn't want to hurt my parents more then they already were. "IF it can help her, then please go, please help my baby girl" my mother begged, she all but threw herself at Carlisle "please Carlisle" my father too begged, his face held a strong expression but his eyes betrayed the emotion that was flooding through him. "If you are going Carlisle how long will you be there for?" Rosalie asked. Carlisle looked to the seer in the household, Alice

"about a year" was her response. Esme immediately stood up

"I am coming with you" she spoke softly addressing Carlisle. The thought of being away from her mate for that long was clearly painful. He nodded. "When will you leave?" Emmett asked

"tonight" was Carlisle's response. I don't know why,  but I wanted to go to this Volturi with Carlisle. I felt sort of drawn to the coven of royalty. I decided that I too would join Carlisle and Esme to this coven and hopefully I could help them find out why this shit has happened to me and if it is permanent. I also couldn't stand to be in this house anymore where my peaceful sleeping body was laying on a bed and I was in a form and unable to live through it. The house in which my mother cried over me and my father tried to be strong for her. Where my parents got pitiful looks everywhere they went. I have only really seen the world for three days and I already hated the emotion that was pity.

***later that night***

"Goodbye Carlisle, goodbye Esme and thank you for doing this" my father shook their hands, his face showing his gratitude and debt towards them

"Goodbye Grandpa, bye Grandma. Please try to be safe" my mother whispered, hugging them close to her body. It was time for the couple to leave for the Volturi, they had already bought their tickets to Venice and had hired a car to meet them there that would take them to the Volturi. Everyone else in the household had already said their goodbyes, making them promise to be as safe as possible. Carlisle had vowed to the young couple that was standing in front of them that he would not return till he had found out why this was happening, no matter how long it took.

I was floating next to them waiting for them to leave so that I could follow them. The couple waved one last time at their family before they picked up their suitcases and ran into the forest. I followed them, easily keeping pace with the couple. They reached the airport in Seattle about half an hour later an boarded the plane. They sat in first class and I floated near them. I didn't know anything about this form that I was in so after reading some books about ghosts in Carlisle's study I decided to stay well away from water. This was why I was nervous. I didn't want the plane to crash because then this form that I was in could die and I would never get to live.

The plane ride took about eight hours. When we arrived in Venice, I floated next to the couple as they walked at a human pace to the car that sat patiently outside the airport. I got into the car as they drove to where Volterra stood. The city was beautiful. The ancient sienna walls and towers crowning the peak, steep hill. There was a strange sense of intimidation that the ancient city brought with it, like there was something here that shouldn't be. Like there was something to be feared. I guess there was. As we drew closer to the ancient castle that stood proudly in the centre of the city I felt that strange tug at my heart again. Like it was in a cage and the key to opening it was in this old castle. Carlisle and Esme still oblivious to my presence got out of the car that they hired and walked into the castle. I followed them. They walked through many corridors. Each corridor had panelled wooden walls and the floor was carpeted in thick, deep green. There was barely any windows but, there were many large brightly  lit expensive looking paintings that hung on the walls. Carlisle carried on navigating Esme and unknowingly me  through the corridors until he reached a corridor that  had a huge golden door  with many engravings at the end of one. He walked towards and pushed open the door.

My Sleeping Beauty-A.VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now