"Yes" Marian repeated "Edmund...our son, Edmund" Richard chuckled and kissed her head again before a knock sounded at the door
"Enter" Richard shouted and the door was pushed open by a guard, revealing 3 excited little girls standing in the doorway who rushed in at the first opportunity.

They jumped onto the bed and sat before Marian and Richard, tilting their heads so that they could get a better look at Edmund who had been beginning to go to sleep again but now opened his eyes wide at the sight of strangers.

"He looks a little like our brother" Lizzie said, reaching out to stroke the dark tuffs of hair that Edmund had on his head. As if on cue, the little two year old Prince Edward (who had returned from Wales for a short time) toddled through the door, a wooden stag in his hand and ,looking at his sisters, made a beeline for the bed, climbing up on it with the help of older sister Mary.

"Want to play!" Edward shouted, placing the stag on top of Edmund who gave a little whimper of protest until his mother picked up the toy animal and placed it on the covers beside her
"When he's older you can play with him, Ed. But right now, he's a bit too small" she said with a smile.

"Have you named him yet?" Cecily asked, peering over her order sister's shoulder.
"Yes, we have" Richard answered "we have decided to call him Edmund"
"Edmund?" A loud voice echoed as the King entered the room "a fine name! Although I was rather hoping you would name him after me!" He joked
"Have no fear, brother" Richard replied "if god wills it you shall have a little namesake for a nephew one day!"
"As you now have!" Edward replied with a smile

Marian thought about rising from the bed to curtesy to the king, but her exhaustion had other ideas, making her limbs feel too weak to properly move, and after all, she was clad in only her chemise, not the most adequate of outfits. The king crossed over to the bed, my this was becoming quite a gathering now, and smiled down at the Duke and Duchess, his face merry and bright.

"May I hold my nephew?" He asked, holding out his hands. Marian felt her heart strings tug a little at the thought of having her son taken away but saw the happy look in the Kings eyes and knew she could trust him with her child. And so, she nodded, lifting the small bundle and placing him into Edward's waiting arms. He held him expertly and beamed down at the boy "Edmund Plantagenet! Yes, yes a fine name for a fine boy. I am sure he will grow to be as strong as his father and his mother"

"Thank you, Edward" Richard and Marian replied in unison
"It is an amusing coincidence" the King continued "that your son should be born on the same day as mine!"

"Some may say it's a sign!" Elizabeth finished, walking through the door, carrying her own newborn. Marian marvelled at how quickly she recovered from giving birth but concluded that she had had so many children that she must have gotten used to it in a way "girls!" She called. Instantly the three Princesses looked in their mother direction.

"Yes mother?" Lizzie asked
"I would like some time with Marian and your uncle. And take your brother with you"
Lizzie nodded and, taking her sibling's hands led them out of the room and shut the door. The Queen came and stood by her husband as he handed Edmund back to Marian who smiled down at her son and then looked back to Richard,leaning back further into his chest.

"Are you well, Marian?" Elizabeth asked
"Yes, I think so" Marian attempted to grin slightly, but her expression ended up more like a grimace "a little tired and my limbs and head ache to no end but apart from that I think I am quite content"
"That is good to hear. I have made arrangements for you to depart for Middleham once you are strong enough"
"For that I am very grateful! Have you seen Meg at all?" Elizabeth shook her head.

"Last time I saw her she was in her chambers, pacing up and down relentlessly looking practically wild when she heard you were in pain! She seemed distraught that she was not present to help with the birth"
"Well then please, send someone to fetch her so we can put her out of her misery!" Marian laughed
"I shall have a servant send for her directly!"

"Richard" Edward said, looking at his younger brother "I am afraid we must depart for Parliament again! God knows what will happen if we dare to be late!"
Richard sighed and rose from the bed, giving his wife and son a small kiss and vowing he would return as soon as he could before reluctantly walking from the chamber with his brother, looking back one last time as he reached the door, his eyes glazed over with love. Elizabeth sat beside her friend and smiled at the two babies between them.

"I do admit part of me dreads the thought of leaving this room..." Marian confessed "it is so safe, I want my boy to be safe..."
"And he will be!" The Queen answered, rocking her son gently "especially once you are at Middleham. The country air, I hear, is good for newborns"

The Duchess nodded and now looked at Elizabeth's new son, Richard, who was sleeping peacefully in his mother's arms
"He is like the king!" She commented
"He has his fathers wide feet, I must say! Just like his brother does! I hope that our sons shall grow to be as close as their fathers are, my dear"
"I'm sure that they shall!" Marian agreed, smiling.

She settled back against the pillows again, still smiling as she kissed Edmund's cheek and closed her eyes for a moment. She finally felt complete, complete with a part she had not realised was missing until now, until she had held her son in her arms and discovered how it felt to have a child of her own. She felt as if nothing could touch her now, no sadness, no grief but at the same time there was a new feeling sprouting within her. A protective paranoia. She knew she would do anything to protect her son, to protect her family, just as the Queen would.

And nothing would get in her way.

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