idea oc part 1

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hello it's been a while this character was created to be a random oc but made a decision have  @AMiscalculatedCode use my character. this character was made with the help of my sister( she made the art even though she doesn't like undertale) and it took a while because we couldn't decide on what color to choose for their cloths and hair. i have now given everyone permission/ the a ok to use my character just remember to put down my name to let everyone know.    

for @AMiscalculatedCode  



Gender =  both ( is born male  but chooses female )                                                                                           

Name = Forest Rose 

Nickname = green rose , Rosey , Greeny 

Parents = combo of error , ink , and nightmare ( nightmare's the dad , ink's the dad , and error's the mother/ mom).

Description = a white skelly, can turn black errors or goopy , has hand tentacles  on there back and can change colors and disappear , likes to dress up but wears boy cloths in public , does have hair it's both stringy and goopy  ( stringy like hair when normal but turns goopy when upset or angered), ( can change their hair and eye colors), ( can change their hair length anytime kind of a combo of Rapunzel Disney and Mistress 9 from sailor moon ) , loves Chinese / Japanese style kimonos and robes but will wear baggy pants and shirts , high heels are a no no but will wear one if bribed aka given money or sweets, can change their height to a 10 year old to the size as tall as ether papyrus or as tall as asgore , 

Description = a white skelly, can turn black errors or goopy , has hand tentacles  on there back and can change colors and disappear , likes to dress up but wears boy cloths in public , does have hair it's both stringy and goopy  ( stringy like ha...

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Powers = all the powers of ink and error and some powers of nightmare being powerful at a young age their power over emotions nether good or bad making them vulnerable ( their an empath so really bad emotions make them sick or paranoid for a while...

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Powers = all the powers of ink and error and some powers of nightmare being powerful at a young age their power over emotions nether good or bad making them vulnerable ( their an empath so really bad emotions make them sick or paranoid for a while) , green magics/ healing , elemental powers, plant powers , can understand animals, and infinite storage space (tends to hoard a lot but useful )

Weapons = magic , blue magic, bones, gaster blasters, staff, paintbrushes, strings, tentacles ,  hand tentacles , bats ( given by fresh ) , and  a scythe 

Strength = full control over creation magics and destructive magics, large magic reserves, speed and power, great at spying or being sneaky, 

Weakness =  during their younger years strong bad emotions makes them sick, sad and paranoid causing them stress and cry, bad at walking in high heels, tends to fall in love/ have crushes easily, gets bored and accidently get in trouble sometimes( aka someone/someone's are the ones that get them in trouble ) , tends to not use their full power when fighting an enemy which gets them hurt during really bad fights

Favorite foods = sweets,  milk chocolate, ice cream , tacos, cheese pizza, peanut butter cups, Hershey candy, potatoes, soups, raviolis,  and fries and cheese burgers     

Least favorite foods = super spicy foods/ sweets , sour / super sour foods/ sweets,  most veggies, bitter stuff

Likes/ loves = cloths mostly kimonos , family, has a soft spot for kids/ babies , loves animals any kind, nature , internet ( maybe addicted to it instead) ,  cooking/baking / making/ crafting things, anime, memes , quiet places, shopping ( including online) , games ( mostly casual / adventure games, and gardening / farming / camping 

Hates/ don't likes = family fighting. bad arguing/ fights , hurting animals ( unless it's for food or survival) , pain, loneliness, feeling sick, feeling paranoid, bullys, abusers, and brats


this is the hardest i ever wrote it's because i keep putting more stuff in the profile and making it more descriptive then it needs to be. and thanks to @AMiscalculatedCode  for  waiting to get this character. i feel so sorry for making you wait but here it is you can add or take away  things that will help fit in  your story better. bye bye.

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