[]The Family[]

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"Are you being payed for this? Is it blackmail?"


"Hajime you'd better explain what in the hell you've been-"

The woman, who you assumed to be Iwa's mother, stopped yelling at him the second she noticed you. You smiled at her with a hint of nervousness, but she didn't smile back. Instead, she looked you up and down, inspecting your clothes. Then she started examining your face. After this ordeal that seemed to last hours was completed, she grinned.

"Well aren't you a pretty one!" she exclaimed putting a hand on her hip. 

"Ma!" Iwaizumi said, gritting his teeth.

She ignored him and kept her attention on you.

"So he was with you last night? My Haji better not have caused any trouble for you." she says, sternly glancing at the boy beside you.

You shook your head, "Oh no ma'am, in fact my mother apparently asked him to stay over last night."

"Well she sounds lovely already," Iwa's mother continued, "I saw Tooru walk home last night, so I'm glad to hear he was you instead of the boys. Things always get too crazy when Tooru isn't around to keep them down."

You giggled and Iwa sighed, "Ma, I told you it's the other way around! Trashykawa's the one who always-"

He was cut off by a gasp and a firm smack on the head by his mother. Like mother like son.

"Hajime! What have I told you about those cruel names! Tooru is nothing but an angel."

Iwaizumi sighs in defeat while you smile at him from the side. You then introduce yourself with a small bow.

"(L/n) (Y/n). It's a pleasure to meet you Iwaizumi-san."

"So this is the famous (L/n)!" she says proudly, "I've heard all about you. No need for formalities from one of Hajime's closest friends, just Niko is fine."

"Actually," Iwa starts, rubbing the back of his neck, "she's my..."

He then closed his eyes tight as if he were preparing for something as he finished the sentence.


The squeal let out from that woman's mouth could be heard from Tokyo. She embraced you then beckoned you in.

"Finally! Oh finally! You'll have to stay for lunch! And maybe dinner one day!"

Before you could reply, a few yells and shrieks are heard from another room. Niko furrowed her brows and stormed off in the direction.

"Come on," Iwa says taking your hand, "let's get upstairs before-"

"Ni-san! Who's that?"

He winced and turned his head to the voice, and you did the same. A little girl with hair the same raven hair as her mother and no older than 6 was standing in the doorway to a very chaotic kitchen. Her question caught the attention of two others who were fighting in the kitchen, who were middle school age. One was a girl with long hair in a messy bun, and then other was a boy with fluffy hair. They shared Iwa's hair color.

you are someone // iwaizumi x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant