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"that was a love sigh!"


When you said goodbye to Iwaizumi, you walked inside and leaned against the kitchen counter. You didn't realize that you had let out a sigh out loud, until your mother peeked her head in the room.

"What was that?" she asked, making her way towards me.

"What was what?"

"That sigh. It wasn't your usual 'I'm super overwhelmed' or 'I hate my life' sigh."

Then her face lit up and she practically squealed her next sentence before you could reply.

"(Y/n)! That was a love sigh!"

Your eyes widen, but you quickly squint them, furrowing your eyebrows.

"I didn't 'love sigh' mother. I just... contently sighed."

She raised one eyebrow.

"'Contently in love' sigh?"

You groaned and buried your head in your hands.

"Maybe.. kind of... sort of." you said frustratedly.

She was a bit taken back, surprised by the fact you kinda admitted you liked someone.

"So you DO like someone?!"

"Yes? Maybe? Ughhh I don't know."

You back look up at your mother, who was now deep in thought.

"I think you do." she said, "You've been acting differently lately. More... uplifted I guess."

Her face went right back to an excited expression.

"Is it Iwaizumi?!"

You blush and look away as your mother squeals, squeezing your hand tightly.

You calmed her down and began telling her about all your time with Iwaizumi. Your mother was more like the girls in your class than you were. She heavily enjoyed listening to the details about your relationship with him, letting out squeals every once in a while.

"So he knows it's a date!"


"And he's bringing you a gift?"


"AND he's in love with you?"

"Ye- wait what? No!"

Your mother giggled as she started walking out of the room

"I have work to do, but you're telling me every detail about tomorrow later, understood?" she said, pointing a finger at you.

You rolled your eyes and agreed with her and she walked out with a smile.


When Iwaizumi got home, he immediately went up to his room, closing the door behind him. He went over to his bed and collapsed onto his knees next to it. He then stuffed his face into the covers and gripped them tightly, letting out a noise similar to a squeal a little girl would make after talking to her crush.

He finally lifted his head and looked at the pictures hung above his desk. There was one of the whole team, looking professional and serious. Next to it was a picture of the team with (Y/n) after practice one day. They were all smiling big, even her. 

There a couple random selfies, but his favorite was one that Oikawa had taken with (Y/n) and Iwaizumi in the background. The two were standing side by side, looking at each other with soft smiles and pink tinted cheeks, while Oikawa was holding up a peace sign.

Iwaizumi sighed as he got up to look at it closer.

He was still angry that he had chickened out of confessing to you, but most of that anger was overthrown by the fact that you had suggested going to the fair with him as a date.

Sorry this chapter is like super short but it didn't fit in with any other chapters.

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