[]Fair pt 2[]

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"you're such a protective boyfriend"


You walked into the fair beside Iwaizumi, taking off the jacket that was wrapped around you.

"Here," you said handing it to him, "I don't need it anymore."

Iwaizumi nodded and took the jacket. He was about to put it on while he was walking with you, but then noticed all the eyes focused on you. The skirt he gave you was shorter than the uniform skirts, and tighter. You drew a lot of attention, specifically from boys. It made him frustrated for some reason.

"Uhh actually," he said, wrapping it around your waist once again, "you should wear it for now."

You didn't understand what he meant, but wore it around your waist anyways. Then you saw a few friends(the ones from gym) waving you over to them.

"Iwaizumi-kun! We just need to borrow (Y/n)-chan for a sec!"

You looked at him and he nodded, so you walked over, leaving Iwaizumi by himself. Or not.

"Did you just put your jacket around her waist?"

Iwaizumi looked away from your retreating figure and at Oikawa, who was now right next to him.

"I did it so that she could play volleyball."

"Yeah but she took it off. You just put it right back on!"

Oikawa stepped closer to his friend, who was avoiding eye contact.

"So?" Iwaizumi asked annoyed.

"So? Ahhhh Iwa-chan. You're such a protective boyfriend."

Iwaizumi smacked the back of his friend's head.

"Shut it."

"You didn't deny it!"

"...but I'm not her boyfriend."

Oikawa now noticed the somewhat disappointed look on his friend's face, who was now staring at the ground. He flicked Iwaizumi on the forehead, causing him to look up.

"What was tha-"

"She likes you back Iwa-chan. So stop being a nervous insecure loser and man up!"

Oikawa had a surprisingly serious face on as he walked away from the shocked Iwaizumi.

Before he could yell after his friend, you came back. He looked at you and spoke.

"What were you guys talking about?"

You failed to hide an odd expression, before retorting with a question of your own.

"What were YOU guys talking about?"

He rolled his eyes playfully and answered "Fair enough, ready to go?"

You nodded, "Food first?"

He nodded back at you, and the two of you walked towards the food trucks.


"Iwaizumi-kun! We just need to borrow (Y/n)-chan for a sec!"

You walked over to your friends, who had knowing looks on their faces. You rolled your eyes, knowing what was coming.

"Sooooo~" Chiaki said with a smirk.

you are someone // iwaizumi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now