[]The Picture[]

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"picture of me?"


Aoba Johsai had crushed the other team by winning the first two sets by a landslide. As you exited the gym, you went through the pictures you took. Some of them were pretty good, but one really caught your eye.

It was a picture of number 4, the ace, in midair getting ready to spike the volleyball. You weren't exactly one to think too highly of yourself, but this was a really good picture. And the fact that the guy in the picture was hot helped out with that.

While staring at the picture, you get an idea. You pull your portable picture printer out of your bag and sync it with the camera. After it's done printing, you look around for the team. 


"Nice work Iwa-chan! That last spike definitely impressed (L/n)-san."

"Shut up Shittykawa."

"Speak of the devil." Makki said, pointing at you as you walked towards them. Iwaizumi saw you and turned away to avoid eye contact.

"Excuse me?" you say calmly as you approach the team.

"(L/n)-san!" Oikawa exclaims, "we're in the same class right?"

"Oh, yeah I think so."

"Hey can I see that picture of me from before during the time out?"

"Sure," you say, holding up your camera, "I have a lot others of the team too."

A few members of the team gather behind you while you click through the photos starting from the beginning.

"Ooo ooo there's me!" Oikawa giggles, pointing at the picture of him holding up a peace sign.

You chuckle in response, "Yep."

As you go further, the team stops you.

"Woah woah wait go back."

You comply and click back a couple pictures, stopping at the one of number 4 that you were admiring before.

"Woahhhhh" a couple of the boys said in unison.

You smiled, "Yeah that's a good one."

"Hear that Iwa-chan? You're a model!" Oikawa calls out.

"Iwa-chan?" you asked confused.

One of the team members pulls out the ace from around the corner.

"Come over here Iwa-chan! (L/n)-san took an awesome picture of you!" Oikawa says, motioning for him to come closer. 

"Picture of me?" he asked while attempting to hide a blush.

"Yeah," you say, turning the camera towards him, "I took it around the end of the second set."

He looked down at the picture and replied.

"Yeah I guess it's pretty cool."

"Iwa-chan! You're being mean."

Iwaizumi realized that what he said may have come out wrong and begins to worry, stuttering out an apology.

"N- no that's not what I- I mean. You're a really good photographer, and it's a cool picture but um," he starts the rub the back of his neck, "it's just me in the picture... so it could be better."

you are someone // iwaizumi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now