[]New Girl[]

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"he thought you looked perfect"


"Bye mother." you whisper close to your mom's ear. She was passed out on the couch from working too late. She groans tiredly in response as you walk out the door. 

Even though your mother gave you a pep talk last night, you were still worried about today. It was your first day at Aoba Johsai after moving from Tokyo. It was the first day of the school year for everyone, but you had just gotten settled in your new house a couple weeks ago, so you didn't know anybody.

You walked to school, and searched the halls for your classroom. You were really hoping the worrying inside you wasn't showing on your face. When you finally found the classroom, you walked in to introduce yourself and took a seat. You got a few head turns and points, which you were assuming was because you were a newer student they hadn't seen last year. That was part of the reason, but it was mostly because you were gorgeous, and your uniform looked amazing on you, almost as if it was made for you.

You didn't pay much attention to others throughout the school day, until lunch came around.A few people approached you while you ate, informing you on what clubs you could join. You thanked each of them saying you would think about it, but you didn't really care too much. 

As you continued to eat at your desk by yourself, you felt like someone was staring at you. You turned your head to the window and looked outside where some students were eating at picnic tables. No one was looking at you, so you shrugged it off and went back to eating.

"Class we have a new student this year, please be respectful."

Iwaizumi looked away from his chatty friend and to the front of the classroom. His eyes widened as he looked at you. You were the prettiest girl he'd ever seen.

"My name is (L/n) (Y/n)" you said bowing, "please take care of me."

Iwaizumi's eyes followed you to your seat a couple rows behind him. He was snapped out of his thoughts by a whisper.

"Iwa-chan~ you're staring."

He looked back at his smirking friend and scowled.

"Shut up Shittykawa."

Once it was lunch, Oikawa and Iwaizumi went outside to meet the rest of their team at the picnic tables. After sitting down, Iwaizumi glanced into the classroom, and did a double take before staring at you once again. Even though you were only eating, he thought you looked perfect. Your hair was shining from the sunlight coming through the window and your eyes were almost glowing. He would've stared forever if his teammate hadn't smacked the back of his head.

"Dude, you look creepy."

Iwaizumi rubbed the back of his head. "I wasn't doing anything."

The team snickered and Oikawa put his arm around Iwaizumi.

"Our Iwa-chan FINALLY has his eyes on someone." he grinned, "too bad he only stares at her with his mouth open instead of talking to her."

Iwaizumi shoved his friend off of him.

"Shut up Shittykawa!"

"Oi Oikawa," Matsu piped, "what do mean by 'finally'?" 

Oikawa replied gladly.

"Ever since grade school, Iwa-chan has never shown any interest in anyone. I thought maybe he was just good at hiding it, but look at him now."

Iwaizumi had already stopped paying attention to the conversation entirely and had turned his attention back on you. He quickly averted his gaze as you turned your head to look out the window. The whole team laughed at the worried Iwaizumi.

"She almost caught you there Iw-"

"Oh shut up!"


You had finally given each club some thought, and decided to join the journaling club. You mostly chose this because the writer who specialized in volleyball had graduated last year, and you love to watch a good game of volleyball.

"Ok here you go." the club manager said, handing you a camera. "You can use whatever you want to take notes and interviews, just make sure to type it up afterwards and take some pictures for the editor to choose from."

"Thank you," you replied, "um do you know where I can get a schedule for their games and stuff?"

"Oh I completely forgot!" he said, grabbing some papers in a hurry, "They're actually going to start a match in gym 3 in a few minutes. And here's the schedule for the rest of the year, unless their coach says otherwise. Good luck!" 

You thank him while rushing to the gym, eager to not miss a single minute of the game. When you told the people in charge you were with the journaling club, they lead you to some foldable chairs on the sidelines, across from the player and coach benches.

You were excited, not expecting to get this close to the game. You looked beside you at the people in the other chairs a few feet away from you. They looked much more professional, and one was even wearing a suit. You were confused at first, but then you remembered that Aoba Johsai was a powerhouse school. They even attracted local news stations sometimes.

You were astonished by how well the team was doing, but hid your expression to avoid weird looks. Their whole team was really good, especially the setter, and spiker, who you assumed was the ace. 

You snapped some pictures during a time-out and the setter noticed. He posed with a peace sign and a smile as he turned to you. You rolled your eyes and reluctantly took a picture, before flinching at a high pitched scream. You looked behind you to see a whole crown of yelling girls, cheering for the setter who was apparently named 'Oikawa'. They just went berserk after seeing him pose like that.


"Shittykawa!" Iwaizumi yelled, "Get over here!"

"Calm dowwwn Iwa-chan. I was only posing for your girlfriend."

Iwaizumi looked behind Oikawa and made eye contact with you. You smiled softly with a little wave, causing him to blush and turn his attention back to Oikawa.

"Woooooooow Iwa-chan~" he smirked, "you're BLUSHING!"

Iwaizumi smacked him on the side of the head.

"Owwww so mean Iwa-chan!"

"I was not blushing!" he insisted.

The team looked at him in a way of saying 'mhmmmm'. Even the coach.

"Don't worry Iwa-chan! We're winning this game to win her over for you." Oikawa exclaimed.

This earned him another smack on the head as the whistle blew and they went back on the court.

Iwaizumi kept stealing glances of you throughout the game.

There was no doubt that you were the prettiest girl he had ever laid eyes on.


you are someone // iwaizumi x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt