Chapter 24 - Twitter and Bitter

Start from the beginning

"Damn. Good for Peyton," Giselle commented.

Polly smiled to herself. "Maybe that's why they wake up so early!"

Giselle laughed and playfully pushed her blonde friend. "Gross."

Peach and I changed into our swimsuits between the floor-to-ceiling curtains and the wall, then went down to the garden to start the day.

"How was your night with Gray?" I asked. We walked directly to the pool and sat down at the edge to dangle our legs in the crystal blue water.

"It was good," she stared down at her knees as she kicked her legs. "I feel like I made the right decision yesterday. Still happy with Noah?"

I nodded. "Definitely. It's going really well. It's crazy, you know? I met him the third day..." I did the calculation in my head. "I've known him for a week. And it feels like it's been months. He makes me feel comfortable."

"That's a really great thing to have in a partner! Someone who makes you feel comfortable! Yet someone you're still attracted to. Charlie only fit half of that puzzle," Peach sighed.

"You don't have to worry, Peach. You did what's right, you shouldn't be on Love Island in an unhappy couple. And Polly chose him, so he still has a chance here."

She looked up at me hopefully. "You think?"

"Definitely! He's charming, funny. He just needs the right girl to walk in," I said.

"Or maybe she's already here."

I nodded. "That's true. Maybe it'll work out with Polly."

The rest of the group slowly trickled out of the bedroom doors dressed for the day in swimwear and sunny accessories. Giselle's oversized sunglasses became the talking point as the boys poked fun at her fashion choice.

"Let me see those," Lucas carefully reached out. When Giselle didn't pull away, he took it as permission to remove them from her face. His arms plunged downward as if the sunglasses weighed a dozen pounds. "Geez, they're heavy!" He heaved the accessories up, flexing his small biceps.

Gray smiled down at the purple frames. "They look like those huge glasses props you see at photobooths."

"All you need is a mustache on a stick and you're set, Giselle," Charlie joked.

"You guys just don't know anything about fashion," Giselle huffed and snatched the sunglasses back. "Tell them, Peach."

"I like them!" Peach declared.

"No, Peach, tell them that big sunglasses are in!" Giselle encouraged.

Peach looked at her blankly. "Technically, the Jenners and Hadids are all wearing tiny sunglasses, but I think yours are cool as hell."

Giselle, though not completely satisfied with her answer, smiled. "Well, thanks."

My phone chimed behind me. "I've got a text!" I smiled and brought the screen to my face. "Islanders- can you handle the truth? It's time to find out what America has been tweeting about you."

We went to the neighboring lot where the game had been set up: six pairs of chairs were arranged in a circle for each couple. Katrina and Michael were tasked with reading each of the tweets with the names redacted, and each couple had to write their guess on their whiteboard.

I took my seat beside Noah as Katrina reached for the first card. "Blank is easily the worst-dressed person in the villa. No question." We all exchanged glances as we realized it would be that kind of game. Most of the group answered Michael, with a few Blakes and one Katrina. Katrina shot a glance at Peach and Gray and removed the sticker covering the name. "Blake. Everyone who said Blake got a point." Blake looked down at his swim trunks indecisively.

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