Chapter 51 - Love and Lies

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"How are you guys feeling?" Peach asked Polly and me after breakfast the following day. We sat on beach towels on the turf, facing each other with our toes in the artificial grass.

"I'm okay. A mixture of emotions, really. Very happy with Lucas, but very sad about Giselle," Polly explained. 

I nodded in support. "Yeah. I guess we're going to have to get used to people leaving, huh?" They nodded their heads and allowed the wind to whistle through their hair. "I'm glad I've still got my girls, though. Remember when we first met each other? You two were the first people I met when I stepped in here."

"I remember!" Polly grinned. "I hugged everybody."

"You sure did," Peach said. "It's crazy. And then after the first coupling, the three of us sat right over there, on the edge of the pool, and talked about our couples."

Polly hid her face in her hands. "Don't remind me."

"And Polly complained about her couple," I finished Peach's anecdote with a fond laugh. "That same day I told Giselle that Charlie and I would never happen."

"No way!" Peach leaned forward with interest.

"Yup. Because I labeled him as a frat boy. And to be fair, I was right. But he's more than that." I turned around and saw him talking with Lucas. "I told him I was falling in love with him yesterday."

Polly gasped. "You're kidding! That's great! I'm so happy for you guys. I bet you'll be next for the official couple thing."

"Maybe, but I'm not gonna push it. Whatever happens, happens. I know that we'll continue what we have outside the villa, so I'm not gonna push him into naming us something now," I said.

"I can agree with that," Peach said. "I'm not there yet with Gray, anyway, as much as I care about him. But I'm happy for you guys."

"Thanks," Polly smiled up at her. She let out a soft sigh from between her glossed lips. "What a beautiful day where nothing can go wrong."

From across the garden, a text came through.

"Polly! You jinxed it!" Peach laughed.

Mason came forward with his phone in his hands. "I've got a text, guys! Islanders, honesty is always the best policy. But are you good under pressure when the truth is too much to bear? Today you'll be tasked with the Lie Detector challenge. #KeepCalmAndHonestOn #DontSweatItOrYoullRegretIt."

On the neighboring lot, we sat in chairs surrounding an administer and his polygraph machine. None of us were eager to go first, but eventually Peach and Gray stepped forward. One half of the couple would be strapped into a machine that would read their breathing rate, heartbeats, and sweat production and determine whether they were lying or telling the truth. The other half would be able to ask any three questions they want. Gray was strapped in, and the game began.

"Do you still think about that girl from Casa Amor?" Peach asked.

"No," Gray answered. The polygraphist determined this was true.

"Do you think we have what it takes to make it to the final four?" she asked.

Gray thought about his next answer carefully. "Yes." It was a lie.

"Why not?" Peach crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yes or no questions only, please," the polygraphist reminded her.

Peach sighed. "Are you serious about us?"

"Yes," Gray said. The polygraphist declared this true.

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