Emoji Starters

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Alex has not usually attacked. He usually was dastardly and cunning enough to trick people like you into drinking wine as a celebrity sign that the were officially 'together' before he dragged you're unconscious body down to the basement to be dissected alive. But that time when you said no to the drink he lunged at you with a knife. No warning to it.

Alex loves you. Always had and would never let you go. Romance and gentle behavior always left him to be the womanizer and made it easy for him to win your heart. He would have a habit of kissing up your arm to your neck. But one night he was distant from you. Why? He sent tell.

Alex hates Gold diggers. You have been taking his money from under his nose while you were dating him. He had gotten you whatever you wanted no question asked and in the long run you have taken tiny things you found around the house and swallowed them to pick them free later. And little did you know you would then find yourself tied down to his table in the basement. Him looming over you with a thirst to gut you and see what's inside you like a present.

You always found the basement door locked tight with a padlock. No matter what time it was always locked. You asked Alex but he always brushed it aside like he didn't know what you were talking about or says it's for safety reasons because he was a 'horder'. But one day with a pair of tools you freed the lock while you thought he wasn't home to find his man cave of horrors.


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