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lex kills thoes he falls in love with. Usually during the third date through a spiked drink like wine or champagne. Then torture them.

Alex's signature is to take the snow white rose he gave his lover. Dip it in their blood. Place it in a hard clear casing and ship it to the victims loved ones as a calling card.

Alex has feelings but he's very much foreign to proper responses. Like many serial killers he's antisocial but tries to be to blend in, etc.

Alex hates it when people refuse to drink during the third date. It makes him visibly angry, and nervous.

He is not of right mindset. He claims he kills thoes he loves so they can stay together forever.

He is a skilled surgeon and does it as a job. Since he is rich he has many different offices across the world.

He uses class and charm to seduce thoes he finds lovely and or attractive to him. If they are cheaters he wont have an intrest in them.

Alex is a manipulative man. He makes those he's in love with believe that he is theirs. He will do anything for them. To gain their trust through presents. He treats them like a princess or prince until he kills them.

Alex made a habit of locking the door to his basement. And keeping the burned ashes of his dates bodies in a display case in said basement. Don't go down there~

Alex has a seemingly actual love for children. Wishing to have a child of his own one day he will usually assist a child if they're lost or scared. Though he has a tendency to be clingy to children. He would also spoil them without question much like he does with his victims but with an intent to raise them instead of kill.

He has a sharp tongue. A pleasure to shape words and lies to his advantage to get out of prison as a suspect.

Alex was born in Birmingham England before his family moved to the outskirts of London England within a mantion to get closer to the city. His family wanted a better life for him and his older brother. To get closer to the better schools for their better futures.

He poisoned his parents food one night with cyinide to collect the money they were going to put in his will. They both survived the ordeal because Alex couldn't go through with it.

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