Chapter 1: Unpredictable

Start from the beginning

The spell takes one of the metal benches and whacks it over the poor dummy, and then also drops one of the lights hanging from the ceiling on him, causing the light to shatter and almost burst into flames. Holy shit. I had no idea that was going to happen. This is the first time I've ever used this spell.

I look around to find Avalon but instead, everyone is staring at me. My cheeks suddenly become hot as I whip around in a circle, my eyes darting everywhere.

"Th-that's enough for today, Monica. You are dismissed. Everyone, go back to what you were doing before. I'll take care of this," Avalon instructs, stepping in the middle.

Slowly, all of the Galaxies return to their stations and continue on while Avalon cleans up my mess. I'm so embarrassed and I just want to run and hide. I quickly rush over to my bag and collect my stuff, racing out of the building.

"Monica! Monica, wait!" I hear Michael calling after me. I'm safely outside, so I fall back to let him catch up. "What the hell happened back there?" he asks, walking next to me.

"I tried using the Execution Spell for the first time..." I explain.

"I thought we were never supposed to use that spell in training," he adds, "because of the damage it can cause."

"Nobody ever told me!" I defend, whining.

"Well, now you know," he replies with a shrug.

"Yeah, after causing a lot of damage which I'm pretty sure Calypso is going to kill me now," I respond.

Calypso is our main leader, the one who takes care of everything. He's usually pretty nice, but sometimes when we don't take our magic seriously, he doesn't think too fondly of us. I just hope Avalon will have it all cleaned up before Calypso finds out, but the fact that everyone saw, someone's going to blab to him.

"He won't kill you," Michael assures me.

"How do you know?" I challenge.

"Because you did a spell and it went wrong. Well, it didn't go wrong, but we can play it off as if it did, and that stuff happens all the time," Michael explains.

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?" I ask.

"It's going to be okay, Monica, I promise," he says. "Hey, the band and I are getting together later today, you wanna come?"

As much as that sounds fun, I feel horrible for rejecting him. I haven't really met his band mates yet, even though I've sometimes seen them around school. I will, eventually, but not today.

"Sorry, Mikey, I've got stuff to do at home," I lie, hoping he won't get on my case about it.

"Come on, please? It'll take your mind off of it," he tries.

"Maybe next time," I add, trying to get him to stop his adorable pouting face.

"Alright," he says in defeat, still pouting. We reach my house and I walk up my driveway while he stays at the end. Once I get up to the front door, I turn around.

"Have fun," I call, waving at him. He waves back and I enter in my house, immediately heading upstairs to take a shower.

The warm water feels amazing on my aching muscles and it calms me down from the events of today. I can't even believe that just happened and I'm hoping I won't get in much trouble for it. Michael did cheer me up, though, so today hasn't been all bad.

After my shower, I decide to call up my other best friend, Tatiana Shaw. She's not a Galaxy but she knows I am and that's another point you're probably confused about. Or, at least, going to be. Galaxies are allowed to tell their family and close friends about being a Galaxy, but they have to swear not to tell anyone because like I said before, we don't like the world to know about us. The way they swear is very complicated and Calypso has to do it himself, and if they blab, they will be destroyed, or at least severely punished. I've actually seen that happen to someone and it's scary.

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