Chapter 1: Unpredictable

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Monica's P.O.V

As I shout the magic words, colorful light streaks burst out of my engraved metal wand, striking the plastic dummy twenty feet away from me and causing it to fly backwards another ten feet. It wasn't finished, though, so I use another spell that's supposed to break bones, but since it's a dummy and it doesn't have bones, it doesn't really work. It just cracks a few of its pieces, although if it was a human being, they would be screaming in pain.

"Very nice, Monica," my trainer, Avalon, congratulates me. "You're really getting the hang of this."

"Thank you," I reply panting, turning around to face him.

"Damn, Monica, you can do some serious damage," my best friend, Michael, tells me.

"Thanks," I respond, laughing at his comment.

"I'm serious! You've become a pro Galaxy," Michael compliments.

"I'm not pro," I say, rolling my eyes. I add in a whisper, "not yet."

"Take a well-deserved break, Monica," Avalon instructs me.

I give him a thumbs up and walk over to my bag on the bench, taking a drink from my water. As I rest, I watch my fellow Galaxies battle it out against the same old ugly plastic dummies. I especially keep my eye on Michael. He does well, but he's been a bit distracted lately since joining a band, and his form can sometimes be loose when he's not focused.

I should probably explain to you who I am and what we are before going into detail about what's happening (and confusing you). I am a wizard, but we prefer to call ourselves Galaxies because our world is different than reality. Most don't even know we exist and we'd like to keep it that way. My parents are also Galaxies and that explains why I'm a Galaxy. Now, you may be referring to the classic Harry Potter novels but our lives are not as complicated. Not yet, anyways.

As I was saying, we have magical powers. When you are a child, you like to experiment with everything, and when you have powers, things can get crazy. Since we don't like the non-magic world to know about us and now that you know that fact about children, we are homeschooled until we're about middle school age. Our powers don't fully come in until we're twelve years old, meaning we go into training when we're nine/ten in order for us to control them. We are forced to go to the public real world schools in primary and secondary school because after our training, some of us may not come back to being a Galaxy and will continue on in the real world.

Did you get all that? I hope so. It may be a bit confusing, but as I continue on, it will get easier. Hopefully.

Oh! I should also mention we live in Sydney, Australia, the birth place of Galaxies. I have learned in my training that Galaxies started in Sydney by a scientist who succeeded in his experiment. He made two kids magical by giving them potions and all kinds of stuff, the two eventually got married and had more kids, and the magic was permanently in their genes. It just kept going and magic will continue to be in our genes.

"Monica!" Avalon shouts from across the room. I snap out of it and look straight at him. "Finish him," he demands, pointing at a half-broken dummy lying on the floor. I stand up, grip my wand, and carefully walk over to it, pretending it's a person and I'm not sure what condition they're in.

Aiming my wand right at its chest, I use a lifting spell to hoist the dummy into the air and throw it against the opposite wall, cracking its plastic pieces even more. It slides down the concrete wall and even though that would have probably killed a person, I say one more spell to completely finish him. This spell brings over any kinds of objects that could kill someone and does whatever. For example, if there was a rope lying around, the magic would instantly grab the rope and wrap it around the person's neck. Or if there's a knife, it would stick the knife in the body. It's a horrible spell to use and I doubt I'm going to use it in life, but it's always good to know it and know how to use it.

Zap! (M. Clifford/5SOS)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα