Chapter 7

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"And I thought I didn't like going to the doctor." Beast Girl spoke out,

"Where is Robin?" Superboy looked around, "There!" Crow pointed at the ceiling's vent, it was opened and could hear footsteps. It was Robin, Beast Girl transformed into a bird and tried to go after but the vent shutdown, Beast Girl fell to the ground.

All of them gasped, "Robin's activated the quarantine protocol. Nothing can get it or out." Crow told the others, "We should see about that!" Superboy used his heat blast to get them out but it didn't work and it blasted around the room, "Careful, Sups!"

"We need to find Robin!" Superboy cried out once more. Beast Girl noticed Crow was doing something and asked,

"Finding Robin. Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos..." Crow used his telepathic powers to locate Robin and found her, "Robin, I'm here to help you."

"Crow, What are you...? You have to get out! Slade. He'll destroy you!"

"Robin, You're heart. You're in danger. You have to trust me. Slade's not here. He's not in the tower."

"No, He's here. He's real. I've seen him."

"Then let me see him through your eyes." Crow through Robin's eyes to make her believe Slade wasn't there "See, Robin? There's no one here. There never was." Then Slade appears and punches. Crow knocked back with the others out of Robin's mind, he lay back up with a scream.

"SLADE!" Crow gasped and bloody screamed Slade's name like he had awakened from a nightmare. Cy and others rushed over.

"You saw him?!" "I don't know if he's real or not, but he's real to Robin and that's all that matters. The stress on her brain is destroying her body. Robin truly believes she's fighting Slade. And Slade is winning." Superboy is scared now, he is too worried about Robin now. His mind led him to think now that Robin could possibly die today but he doesn't want, and he doesn't ever want that.

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