Chapter 3

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Thunder strikes again, walking in the forest with Robin and Superboy.

"Don't fear, Robin. We will stop him." Superboy didn't want Robin to fear about Slade's return, Robin doesn't find any fear of Slade in any way. "We have no other choice." Suddenly the communicator starts beeping, Robin answered to hear back from Cy if she found the generator, "Robin, I'm at the bridge."

"Did you find the generator?"

"Man, I can't find diddly. No signs of anything usual." Cy checked everywhere of the bridge and couldn't find anything or any generator that Slade planted, "Nothing here either." Crow reported the same thing as well. "I got bupkis." Beast Girl sneezed once again.

"They're there. Keep searching." Robin said, Beast Girl kept sneezing as she was transforming into different animals, Robin closed out of the communicator, "I told them exactly where Slade put the generators. I should have gone myself." Robin filled with anger about the team's responses back, "They'll be found, Robin. You must have faith in..." but there it caught Robin attention, it was Slade. "Robin?" Superboy noticed Robin running away, Robin ran after Slade.

"Tick Tock, Robin."

Robin rushly attacked Slade but Slade dodged it like Robin didn't even land a hit, "This is going to be easier than I thought. You've gotten sloppy while I was away." Slade pointed out but still taunting Robin, Robin was groaning and grunting while fighting Slade "Hi-yah!" Robin once more attacked but Slade knocked her off balance, "Ugh!" Robin fell to the ground, but Superboy called from a distance "Robin?"

"Superboy, Stop him!" Robin told Superboy, Superboy looked around but Slade ran past him like he didn't see him, thunder strikes once more. Robin was panting as she quickly stood up, Robin grabbed Superboy's wrist tightly, she was hurting him, "You're hurting me..."

"Slade ran right past you! How could you let him get away?!"

"But, Robin, There was no one there." Superboy pointed out, Robin panting shocked.

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