Chapter 1- Uneventful Happenings

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I looked at the blood soaked towel. My eyes puffy with tears and my heart beating quickly. The red liquid poured out of the open gash as I lose feeling everywhere and drop the blade. My body drops to the floor in one second and lay motionless on the ground. My head is spinning and my lips are dry. The water pours on my hair, making it stick to my forehead. I try and reach for the blade, but my fingers are shaking to much to grasp it.

My vision goes blurry as my thoughts go through my head. "I don't belong here, nobody cares, I surely don't, just die for once." All the memories, all the bad ones, all the dreams, high hopes, all the low expectations. What's the point? I'm useless.

There's a bang on the door as I moan to go away. My vision goes dark but my thoughts are raging inside me. Tears flow down my cheeks as I reach for the handle and turn off the water. Blood still pours out the wound. I don't try to stop it. Why should I? The red liquid empties down the drain, and the door barges open.


I look down at my hands, which hold the blade which are instantly covered in blood. I just stare at them and then look at the cut, which is probably one of the deepest cuts I've ever made. I don't regret it, but I regret being here. Living. I press down on the cut after a couple of minutes, and the blood won't stop, so I wait another couple of minutes and finally get annoyed and wrap gauze tightly around my wrist. I should've let myself bleed more, what's the point anyway?


I smile, but on the inside I'm hurt. My best friend, or who was my best friend just told me off for my self harm.

I'm not a wuss, I'm probably way stronger than anyone in my school, but this just pushed me over the limit.

I went to the "restroom" and never went back to that classroom, nor the school that day.

When I got home, I couldn't even do anything but sit in my cave of a room, as dark as the night sky. Nothing's really mattered to me after that, and I never got another friend.


My eyes open as I see white all around me. Not a light thats white, like piercing bright lights and white everywhere. It's like I have no where to hide, and no where to be safe. I have no protection and there's nothing you can do about it. As the brightness grew duller, my heartbeat got faster and my vision started to come back. My hearing also started to return as I became more alert. There was an eerily beep that reoccured.

I was in a hospital. Where people were whacked up and sick. Who bought me here? Is this a dream? Why would I be in here? My thoughts gathered in my head as I tried to figure out what was going on. My still cloudy head didn't help my thought process.

I heard a door open as I shut my eyes and put my arms under the covers quickly. Mumbles from someone were ringing through my ear, even though I was not able to process what I was hearing. The door shut and I slowly opened my eyes to see I was by myself again.

I looked around at beeping machines next to the hospital bed, and well as wooden cabinets, and white walls. The door sat right in front of the bed and the bathroom to the right of me in the corner. I looked to my left to see a tray with a card on it, from my mom, which I din't feel like reading at the time.

I pulled down the covers to reveal my white hospital paper gown. I put my hand through my thick brown hair and I felt something on my arms. I put my arms in front of my face to see gauze wrapped around them. Gauze.

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