Chapter 6- New Accommodations

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He rolls me in a wheelchair to a different wing in the hospital. I start to get dizzy as I pay attention to what's passing me and not what's in front of me. "Slow down," I groan as I hold my head which feels like it's spinning. The man just keeps up with his speed as I groan loudly.

"You're fine," he falsely reassures me.

"I am not. You need to stop making accusations about my freaking life. Now where are we going?" I say in a stubborn tone.

"To the cuckoo's nest," he jokes.

I glare at him as he laughs and pushes me to a nurses station. "Can't I walk there?"

"Can't you stop cutting yourself?"

"How are you a psychiatrist being this rude to your patients?"

"Who said I ever was one?" He answers as the nurse scans my barcode on my bracelet.

She then starts to pull my wheelchair away from the desk and the man as he waves to me with a sarcastic grin plastered on his face.

She pulls me into a nicer room than the one before, but only because it was a corner room and it was bigger. "Why am I here?" I groan as she pushes the wheelchair next to the bed so I can hop onto it. I lift my weak body up out of the wheelchair and onto the uncomfortable bed.

"Can't I just leave?" I groan as she puts an IV in me and places the heart stickers on my bare chest.

"No," she answers, "you can't."

And that was it.

She left the room and turned off the lights. I looked at the time--10:37 pm. I closed my eyes only to open them and look outside to the city. The sparking lights, the blinking lights, the lights on high rise buildings, the lights from traffic lights, the lights from cars. They all shone out in contrast to the dark buildings. They blurred together as my eyes got heavy. A rush of relaxation and peace fell over my body that hasn't been there in a while.



"What the fuck?" I yelled as I quickly get up and look to see the man with my breakfast tray. He had placed the metal tray, well maybe not placed, but threw my tray down on the table. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I groan.

"Everything... now eat up," he says as he pushes the side table so its in front of me. I stare at the food, which looks delicious as my empty stomach awaits, but also disgusting, as of the typical hospital food is.

"No," I defiantly say as I cross my arms.

"Why not?" The man smiles, almost in pleasure at my defiant answer.

I just roll my eyes at him and stand up. I pick up my plate of pancakes and dump its contents into the trash can. I place the plate back onto the tray and continue emptying out the containers or plates that hold fruit, syrup, and orange juice. I sit back down and press the nurses button on the remote. The nurse comes in and I hold up my tray in delight as she smiles brightly and congratulates me on eating the whole thing. I nod my head and she walks out of the room with the empty tray. The man doesn't say a word.

He gets up, and leaves the room, never to be seen for the rest of the day.


"Honey? Harry?" Someone says while they shake me violently.

"Wha- wha- what!?!" I say as I bolt up from my sleep.

My mom is standing in front of me. I stare at her deadly and hold up my one hand, my right hand. From under the covers and I fold all my fingers down except the middle one, lifting it up from under the covers.

I then slowly take my hand down and cover myself up and turn my back toward her and try to go back to bed. She doesn't bother me after that.


"Time to get your meds," the nurse says as she pulls in a cart with rows of medicine cups on it.

"Where am I?" I ask her. "Like I know I'm in the hospital but where did I move? And why?"

"You were in an intensive care unit.

You don't need to be watch because you are starting to heal. Now your in a regular hospital room."

I just shake my head up in down in understandment and take the unknown medicine without a fuss. Or at least she thinks I did. When she leaves the room I take the pills from under my tongue and hide them under the mattress in a little container I found.

Right now I have about a weeks worth because for the first week I hadn't thought of it. I get pills three times a day and in every cup I get 5 pills. 105 pills. Not the big kind, like the small and non-powerful kind.

When I double the number, I'm planning on taking them all. Or at least I hope I don't move rooms and have to hide the container again.


The man came today. He tried to get me to talk. I didn't talk to him. I ignored him. I stared straight at the ceiling the whole time. For the first time he made me feel uncomfortable. Not like before, because now he felt more like a therapist. After about a half an hour he gave up and walked out of the room.

I heard him talk to one of the nurses about giving me a pill to relax because I was tense. I smiled to myself because he was going to give me more pills, and he doesn't know I hide the pills.

The nurse came in with a pill in a cup and I pretended to swallow (which I actually started to get better at). She left and I quickly turned my body to cover the container and I quickly tucked it back under the mattress.

Another day closer to peace.


[A/N]: Sorry for this authors note, i usually don't do this because it ruins the mood but firstly I will be updated more, but the chapters will be smaller. -Mich

The Last NoteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora