This Sonic oneshot I wrote for a contest(It sucks)

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Tails was curious about something. That didn't come off as a big surprise considering the big genius that he was, but it wasn't about anything mechanical. Not even Robotnik was plaguing his mind; they shouldn't have to worry about him for a while, he still had crippling depression from his recently destroyed Death Egg. He was more so curious about this thing that he kept hearing everybody talk about, a holiday to be more precise.


The young fox had heard about Christmas before...a little bit, anyway. Before he met Sonic, the bullies that he had to put up with for what felt like an eternity occasionally mentioned the holiday. Near the end of every month, if he could remember. Of course, he only heard a word about it if it was used to tease him, so he never got too much information on what the holiday was about. He couldn't exactly celebrate it with Sonic last year, either. The hedgehog never explained it to him either- perhaps due to forgetfulness- and he had fled off to Little Planet before he could ever ask. He sure as heck wasn't going to ask freaking Amy for an explanation, so he missed out on that one as well. Whatever Christmas was, it seemed wonderful. Today, when he was running with Sonic, every time somebody would mention Christmas, their eyes would sparkle and they'd look really happy. He felt bummed out that he never got to experience it.

But what about now? The holiday seemed to be rolling back around, and things seemed to be rather calm. Sonic didn't have anywhere to go, Robotnik, as mentioned, was having another midlife crisis, and they even made a new friend. So, if there were no problems, what was stopping him?

"You alright, pal?"

He was so far into his train of thought that Sonic's voice nearly gave him a heart attack. He jumped on the log he was sitting on. Sonic, who was chilling in the soft grass that Emerald Hill had to offer (it was the warmest place he could think of.), looking at Tails questioningly.

"Mmm-hmm..." Tails nodded slowly.

"You sure? "

"I think so."

"You think- well that's vague, isn't it? C'mon, what's on your mind?"

This should go a lot easier since Sonic was the one asking the questions. He joined his brother on the ground. "Well, you know how today, when we went on our run, there was a bunch of people talking?"

"Mm, well yeah. When ya put two people in a room together, they're bound to talk, common knowledge."

"Wow, really. Anyway, they were talking about Christmas, I think?"

Sonic couldn't help but wonder where Tails was going with this. Hopefully, it wasn't a huge list. "Yeah? It's about that time of the month. What about it?"

"What is it?"

At the question, Sonic raised a brow. "You mean, you've never heard of it before? You don't know about Christmas?"

"Well, I kinda know what it is," Tails said. "It's a holiday, it happens near the end of the month, and it makes people really happy. That's all I know."

"How's that? Didn't I tell you all that stuff last...oh, that's right," Sonic remembered. "I wasn't here, was I? You should've said something earlier, little bro, I wouldn't have minded!"

"That's okay, you were busy. You can explain it now though, right?" Tails asked hopefully. With a chuckle, Sonic rubbed his nose.

"No problem, pal. Now, Christmas is this day where you give presents, eat, and hang out with the people you love. There's also, er....the thingy that ya hang up on the ceilings. And there are games sometimes, I think. Oooh, and there's... what's it called? Did I say food already? There's tons of food. There ya go, Tails! That's Christmas!" Sonic concluded proudly, dusting off his hands. The 8-year-old was filled with nothing but confusion.

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