random patapon head cannon thing

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I know there's like ships and all in the fandom maybe but I just see everyone as a family and shit.

Patapon's are literal children, like the kind of children to cry about losing a race or something and the Uber Hero's are constantly dying inside trying to keep everyone's shit together

Meden and Gong just hate each other. Hatapon hates Gong too tho. Pretty much everyone does except for that Yapon guy, he looks nice.


Pan the Pakapon would probably be good friends with that guy too since they like music and all

Patapons eat by a b s o r b i n g

Meden can be summoned with Papayas

Actually no that's her life source

Na no no, she has a crippling addiction to papayas and she hides them everywhere.

Boots boots everyone has the right to have boots even the bad guys

I already mentioned this before but the Patapons can just walk to hell whenever they feel like it. There's an entire mission where you have to destroy the gates. It wasn't a very fun mission.

Every boss the Patapons fight just stop what they're doing for a solid minute just so the eyeball bois can finish their Jujus

Meden's assistant is that one friend everyone makes jokes about only they're kinda not jokes but he laughs it off anyway

Um that's all I have for today Xd, I haven't really finished the second game yet so I can't go too far with this

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