Chapter 1: My Sucky Life

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I was running through a snow filled field. I recognized my Grandpa's farm land, even when blanketed in its winter coat. I heard the laughter from my mother, as she set the sled on a homemade snow ramp. Her long dark hair shimmering in the cold sunlight, as she helped me climb on to the sled. 

"You ready?" she asked.

I nodded eagerly. She gave the sled a small push. I road down the sugary white slopes. Cold frosty wind nipped at my nose and ears, but I didn't feel it. The world flew by me. Then it flew into me. A white fluffy explosion of snow happened as I hit a large drift.

"North! Northern!" My mother shouted as she ran towards me.

"I'm fine mommy." I squeaked as she pulled me into a tight embrace and brushed the snow off me. 

"That's good." She lifted me into her arms and cradled me close. "I think that's enough sledding for today. How do you feel about some hot chocolate?"

"YAY!" I squealed. My mother giggled, as she grabbed the sled. She began to walk towards Grandpa's farm house, me in her arms and the sled dragging behind her.

Before we got to the house my mother stopped and turned to her right. On the horizon a dark figure was walking towards us. I couldn't see them very well. My mother froze. I felt her body tense. Her joyful smile quickly turned to a glare of concern.

"Stop where you are! Put your hands where I can see them!" She shouted.

The figure froze, and slowly raised his hands. My mother's face suddenly flashed with recognition.

"My gosh! Did you have to sneak up on us?!" her tone was loud, but it was clear that she had already forgiven him.

I stared at him, then I realized. My mother let me down and I ran towards him, "DADDY!"

Suddenly, loud beeping began to rang around me.



My eyes snapped open, seeing the white ceiling of my bedroom. My ears screamed at the infuriating sound of the small demonic grey box, that had the number 6:30 on it. 

"NORTHERN! COME ON GET UP! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" shouted annoyed voice that could only be my Aunt. 

I groaned and slammed my pillow onto my face. I hate mornings. Not just because it means I have to go to school, and everything else I have to deal with while being awake. It's because I can't go back to sleep to finish my dream. I get the winter wonderland one often, but every time I wake up before I can get close enough to see my father's face. It gets annoying after a few times. 

I turned off the demon box, that was my alarm clock and headed to the bathroom across the hall. I wash my face. Staring into the mirror, I take note of all the things that I hate about my face. 1) All of my freckles. My skin is fair like fresh milk, but I might as well be a strawberry, with all my freckles. 2) My dark eyebrows. I have to constantly pick at them to keep them from becoming a unibrow. 3) My eyes. They're different colors; one a light hazel with flashes of dark green and gold, while the other is a cold icy blue. 

I sighed deeply, and grabbed my toothpaste. It might be embarrassing for other people my age to use toothpaste made for little kids, but mint makes my mouth burn, so I rather have the weird artificial sugary flavors that younger kids get. 

With whatever I have to do in the bathroom being done. I walked back to into my room to get dressed. A pair of dark skinny jeans, a reverse tie-dye, long-sleeve, shirt, and black velvet gloves are yanked out of my closet. I slipped out of the loose tank-top and small pajama shorts, before very carefully taking off the pair of long white gloves I wore to bed and tried not to touch anything. However, being the klutz that I am, I drop the black glove I was trying to put on. I lean down and pick up off the floor, but I accidently graze my hand on the floor, causing it to frost over. Drat! I quickly slipped on the black gloves and finished getting dressed before grabbing my hair brush.         

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