~Chapter Thirteen~

Start from the beginning

Before he spoke, Iskall allowed himself time to let his racing heart slow down and to regain his shaky breath. As it turns out, nearly falling to your doom twice in the span of three minutes is not good for your head, and Iskall's was still spinning, both from the stress of the moment and the large amounts of quick movements and disorientation.

After a moment, the swede finally spoke. "So, Mumbo, what are you doing?" His voice was just the least bit raspy and low, and he spoke mildly slowly, letting each word sink in. For he wasn't wondering 'what Mumbo was doing', no, he knew exactly what he was doing. Building a trap or prank of sorts that involved sever height damage right outside of Grian's barge. What he wanted to know was why Mumbo thought setting up a death trap right outside a frequented store was a good idea in the slightest.

Now, Iskall couldn't think of a single reason, other than purely the heck of it, to do something like Mumbo was doing, but the answer he got surprised him, yet made complete sense. "Hermit Challenges," Mumbo answered, an unreadable smile creeping onto his face. Not a syllable more, not a breath less. Mumbo didn't say anything but, 'hermit challenges.'

Mumbo was always thinking up the weirdest and most elusive things for his 'Hermit Challenges,' Iskall was honestly a tad surprised he didn't think of that himself. And Mumbo didn't ever elaborate on anything. Iskall wasn't about to get more out of him.

He still didn't like the completely blank expression Mumbo's face held after Iskall nearly died multiple times.

But he hadn't the time to spend dwelling on that; he did have a delivery to make, after all. So, without another word, and just a wave of goodbye, Iskall leapt into the sky... and fell right back down to the ground because his elytra was still broken. Right. He had forgotten about that. Luckily for him, though, he had packed a spare in his pouch. He pulled it out and replaced it with the old one, quickly strapping it on and waving goodbye to Mumbo before taking off towards Scar's drill.

As he flew, Iskall thought about what had just happened. His elytra broke--he had to fix that; he nearly died twice-- would be more traumatizing if that didn't happen as often as it did; he accidentally stumbled upon some work-in-progress Hermit Challenges thing-- whom it was for, Iskall didn't know, but he had a good guess; Mumbo had once again been acting weird-- as if he needed anymore reason to lose trust in him; he missed a chance to try and get some proof-- though he wasn't sure what he would even have counted as proof, so maybe there wasn't much of a loss there; and he just now realized he was going in the complete wrong direction-- crap.

After a good few more minutes, Scar's drill finally came into Iskall's view, and who was standing right outside, looking up at the flying swede, but the Hermit himself. He couldn't see him very well, though, as a light fog had begun to surround them. Oh, well, he'd just have to be more careful. Iskall touched ground and pulled out his delivery with a, "Hallo, Scar!" 

His friend grinned as he gratefully took the shulkerbox out of Iskall's hands. "Hey, Iskall! Thanks for the delivery!" Scar tucked away the box in his pouch as Iskall watched with slight bemusement on his face. 

"May I ask why you ordered eighteen stacks of slimeballs? And not just two stacks of blocks," Iskall inquired. "Whichareprobablyinstockrightnow," he added under his breath. Would it not have been easier to just buy a few stacks of blocks from the store, rather than have Iskall come all this way for a special order?

Scar shrugged. "I actually wanted to talk to you, and this seemed like a good way to do so. Plus I wanted slimeballs."

Iskall inhaled, raising an eyebrow and holding up his communicator. "You couldn't have just asked to meet up?" He was losing Scar here.

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