~Chapter Twenty-One~

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One day earlier

Citrus's POV-

Citrus grinned coyly. "Memory is a powerful thing, Scar." And, without waiting for a reply from the wizard she had been fooling for a week, she turned around and ascended back into the hallway and up the steps from which she came, eventually emerging into a room. In it were a few chairs, a crafting bench, a furnace, all the essentials. "I'm finished," she declared to the form resting on one of the chairs. "This is fun."

Sage chuckled, standing up. "It sure is." His eyes glinted maliciously. "Thanks for giving them a nice introduction; I'll take it from here." He then walked around her, disappearing into the darkness that leas to the little trap room. She smiled after him, purring. She certainly hadn't been expecting two visitors quite so soon, but for once she was glad that Sage hadn't listened to her. She supposed he was the boss for a reason. 

But after a moment of standing, she got bored. There was no-one here, Void had gone somewhere or other, and the adrenaline was beginning to wear off, leaving Citrus unbearably bored out of her wits. But then, she remembered something. Well, not something, but someone. For the kitty had caught the little birdie Bee accompanying the two cheating Hermits. Perhaps she could pay her a little visit

She quickly exited the room using another door, pressing a handy button that had been installed to open the door-- and keep it open for a fair amount of time-- and ascending the steps. Her tail flicked mischievously as she emerged out the top where the outside was ready to greet her with warmth and sunlight. 

But enough time spent on that, she had a target. The cat wandered outside, scanning everywhere with her keen gaze to try and find that amber-eyed, traitorous, codfish-eating bird. And it didn't take too long, as Bee was simply hanging about the base, undoubtedly waiting for the Hermits to emerge. Citrus laughed to herself as she approached. "Hello, Honeybee," she greeted with a flick of her tail. She drew out each syllable dramatically, her high-pitched voice piercing the air like a knife. The cockatiel followed her every movement, visibly upset. Citrus circled the bird, keeping her eyes fixed on the other's the whole time. Oh, how she wished she could simply pounce on the bird and finish the job right here, but that might not be the best idea. "Fancy seeing you here."

The bird chirped, her beak snapping with every note. Citrus simply laughed. Bee wasn't saying anything nice; Citrus didn't have to understand her to know that. And that just made it all the funnier. "You know I don't, and frankly don't care to, understand you, birdie. Besides, why are you so mad? I just wanted to say 'hi'." She stepped forward suddenly, baring her teeth. Bee jumped back with a flutter of her wings. Her tiny chest started moving quicker, and she was almost quivering at this point. "Y'know, they say a criminal always returns to the scene of the crime, but I didn't think you'd bring two others with you. Was this really your plan all along? To bring the two most meddlesome Hermits straight to the root of the problem? I thought you were brighter than that."

This only got her more angry chattering. Bee stepped forward-- gutsy-- and narrowed her eyes. Citrus simply continued to circle the parrot, like a bird of prey, taunting the bird as she went. Perhaps this wasn't as fun as simply killing her, but it was entertaining nonetheless. After a few minutes, though, Citrus glanced away from her toy to see two figures emerging from the base. "Well, that's my cue to leave. Nice chat, Birdbrain." And with that, she dashed off around the side of the base to go back in.


Oh, no. This could not be happening. The cat bounded up the spiral staircase and out into the sunny outside. She shielded her eyes, her pupils dilating to adjust to the new natural light. This was really not good. As the floor closed beside her, she began to pace. Back and forth. Oh, Citrus, what now? Back and forth. What would you do now? Back and forth. What use were you now that your entire job was just voided?

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