we walked up to the bouncer and he looked at the both of us, "ids?" jarad looked at me and i pulled mines out, he did the same. the bouncer looked at our ids then at us. he unhooked the chain and let us in. being that jarad is 19 i was scared the bouncer was gonna figure out.

i brushed it off and we walked in, i instantly scrunched up my nose at the smell of cologne and hot ass. damn you wouldve thought with that this club would smell better than a female club but nope. i seen jarad eye balling some guy which im guessing is the manger.

we walked in that direction and jarad  tapped the guys shoulder, he turned around and had the brightest smile. him and jarad hugged and exchanged hellos, the guy looked at me and i stood there with a blank expression.

"you must be Stokeley, jarad has told me alot about you." he said reaching for my hand. i hesitantly shook it and gave him a weak smile.

"my name is Rakim and im a good friend of jarad and also the manager, i will be showing yall to your VIP section, follow me. " he began walking away and me and jarad followed him, i noticed a bunch of duded eyeing me down and i wanted to throw up internally.

we made it to our section and sat down. "if yall need anything else ill be right where yall found me." he said smiling. jarad nodded his head and rakim walked away. i sighed and looked over and jarad who was already occupied with someone on his lap.

i scooted over not wanting to have any part in that and got on my phone. about ten minutes had passed and a group of dancers came in our section, i continued looking at my phone trying not to give eye contact to any of them, i didn't want them to have a reason to come over here.

i looked up from a second a made eye contact with some hazel eyes, my eyes travel down to his smooth caramel skin and back up to his face, might i say ive never seen a more beautiful human than the one before me.. he was shirtless with a six pack and a strong v-line-

i quickly snapped back to reality and looked back at my phone. tf was i on just now? im not gay, i like pussy, i want the pussy, i need the pussy, i gets the pussy, and never will i ever look a man like that again, i dont lost my damn mind. seriously.

he walked over to me and stood infront of me, i didnt give him contact i just continued strolling on my phone, not that i was looking at anything, i was just tryna make him go away.

"hi." he spoke in this very smooth deep voice, i looked up at him to see him grinning. i looked back down quickly. he took my phone and put it in this back pocket.

"what the fuck!?! gimme my phone back." i said reaching for it, has he lost his mind? "no need to make a scene, ill give it back shortly."

"no you gonna give it back now the fuck." i said now sitting up, noticing that hes much much talling than me. i was scared by his glaze but wasnt gonna stop me from getting my phone back. i went to reach for it and he grabbed my arm.

"get your hands off of me!" he chuckled and his grip got tighter. "jarad get this nigga!" i said looking at jarad bu he was to busy giving a lap dance to one of the dancers. the fuck..?

i sighed in defeat. the man who held me at grip let me go and told me to follow him. "hell the fuck no, you need to gimme me fucking phone right now."

he turned around and looked me in my eyes, there was no winning with him so i finally just followed him. he took to me this room with nothing but a couch and a table. "the fuck is this?"

"just sit down."


"im really getting tired of your fucking attitude, just sit the fuck down and shut up." he said in a stern tone which made me whole shut down. the fuck is nigga doing to me..

i sat down and looked at him who was preparing some drinks. "what are you making?"

he didnt say anything he just came over with the drinks and sat a few inches from me. "drink." he said handing the drink to me. i looked in the drink before hesitantly drinking it.

he drunk his and looked in my direction, i tried not to make eye contact with him and he grabbed me face so i could look at him. we looked in each other eyes which turned into a literally eye contest, he came closer and i felt his hot breath on my skin which cause me to blink.


the alcohol started to kick so i laid my head back and closed my eyes. "i never go your name." he says to me as got and got another drink. "and you never will."

he chuckled. "aw dont be like that, were basically friends now."

"tuh, you a damn lie."

he finished fixing the drinks and came back over, tapped me and i opened my eyes, he handed me the drink and ofc i took it. he sat back down and drunk his then i drunk mines but this one went down a lil differently..

i shook it off and he preceed to make conversation with me. "how old are you?"

"twenty... o-one." i felt my self slip in and out of consciousness and then i blacked out.

what the fuck did he put in my drink...

him // slumptacion Where stories live. Discover now