Midoriya Family

4.5K 58 36

Child 1

Sex: Male

Quirk: Tornado; One for All(Later when Deku retires)

.Looks like a bulkier male version of you

.Is low-key an asshole

.has some aNgEr iSsUeS

.But he still likes his family, even though he doesn't admit it

.Was a lot more prepared for One for All than Deku was

.He kinda seems like Bakugou at first, but not really

Child 2

Sex: Female

Quirk: Sonicwave

.Loves her parents more than anything else in the world

.Is her brother's weak spot

.Has your hair and her father's eyes

.Is just so damn lovable

.doesn't enjoy using her quirk that much(she'd rather heal than hurt)

.Such a cute geek, like how is she even related to her brother again

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