Chapter 1

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Jasmine's P. O. V

I entered my house and fell on the couch from exhaustion. I was about to fall asleep when I heard a thump from the bedroom. As I made my way up the stairs I saw someone I never thought I would see in my house at this time of the day and in that outfit too. “What are you doing here and wearing that?” I asked. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing and where may I be?” ??? asked. ‘Wait what, who is this person.’ “Who are you and why are you in my house?” I asked. “Well I am Maria Reynolds and I have no clue how I got here.” Maria said. I stood there shocked as the person I was currently playing as is standing in front of me. “Why am I here?” Maria asked. I thought about how to explain this situation but even I am questioning how she got here and what is going on. I am pulled away from my thoughts as more thumps sound from around my house. I went to each area I heard a thump from and gathered them all in the kitchen I counted and named each one finding that I had 15 real life Hamilton characters in my kitchen. I notice they all have the exact same soulmark on their forearms. I almost screamed in excitement at their marks I recognized to be the one that Keira has on her left shoulder. Oh, I should probably explain what a soulmate is to all of you who don’t know. A soulmate is someone who the universe decides you are gonna spend your life with, like Anthony is my soulmate. Now, most people have one soulmark on their left shoulder that is their mark that they will see on their soulmate. So like say somes mark is a pen on their forearm then their soulmate would have that exact same mark on their shoulder and the other way around. The mark on your shoulder is your mark and the other mark that could be located anywhere is your soulmates. If that doesn’t explain it, ask Lin he knows more about this stuff than I do. Any way back to the story. Man all this thinking is making me hungry. I go to make myself a sandwich and I hear a gasp from behind me. I turn towards them and see Alexander looking at the picture of me, Keira, Phillipa, and Renee. I smiled thinking about that day when a very happy looking John cheerfully asks “You know our soulmate.” I laugh and nod my head yes. They all start cheering and I laugh saying “You will meet her soon.” They all pout at having to wait to meet her while I text Lin saying I need some male, female clothes, and Keira. Lin answered back ok I will be there in a few. A few minutes later, Lin and Kiera showed up and the boys started getting fidgety while the girls sat there trying but failing to contain their excitement and I saw Kiera start rubbing her arms in pain. I opened the door and Kiera was the first to enter the house. She went straight to the kitchen and grabbed my big bag of Doritos. I sighed as I knew I wouldn’t get anymore from that bag. She went straight towards the kitchen ignoring everyone around her. Alexander went to get her attention but I pulled him back and sat him down telling them they didn’t want to get in between her and her food, she would yell at you. She finally settled down and grabbed the bag of Doritos and left. I turned to the guys and said “It looks like you will have to meet her later she looked like she was in a rush.” Lin then said “Yes, she was her partner called in sick so she has to take another shift, again.” I respond, “He calls in sick quite often. The poor girl never gets a break.” Lin says “Yet she still manages to be found snacking on chips while watching sad romance movies.” Alexander asks “Who are you guys talking about?” Lin says “Keira your soulmate.” “She’s just non-stop” I say and Lin smacks me upside my head. I just laugh. I heard Lin sigh sadly. I asked him “You alright? ” and he answered “ Yeah I’m fine it’s just that Keira has been working so hard between school, the cafe, and now the musical I shouldn’t have let her audition and I...” I cut him off by saying “Hey, it’s not your fault she asked and quite frankly she has taken on more than this before.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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