The Letter

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I sat at the kitchen table gazing tiredly at my porridge. It was a bland sugar without any of my favoured sugar and golden syrup. Tap Tap. Startled I looked out the kitchen window. It was an owl. I rushed to the window hoping it was a letter from my cousin Lily. The owl carried two letters. The first was in my cousins handwriting addressed to me in scarlet ink as usual. The second had a seal I recognised from Lily's drawing of it. It was the Hogwarts seal. Intrigued, I reached for it and opened the faded parchment.

To Miss Price,

We regret to inform you that due to an error at the ministry we have only just been notified that you should have received an acceptance letter when you were 11 and although this is rather late notice we would like you to join us for your fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please send your response back by this owl. If you wish to join us there are a list of things enclosed that you will require. The train leaves from platform 9 and ¾ on the 1st of September at 11.00 we hope to see you soon. We are very sorry for the delay.

Sincerely Professor McGonagall

I sat in a stunned silence. My mother took the parchment from my hands and quickly read it. Grabbing a pen and piece of paper she scribbled a quick sentence and read it out to me. "Catherine Price would be delighted to accept. Thank you and she will be arriving in September by train." I nodded wordlessly. My mother placed the paper in the waiting owl's bill and it flew away.
Shakily I reached for Lily's letter. I open the envelope and unfolded the letter.

To Cat,
I couldn't believe it when McGonagall told me about the ministry mix up. Honestly they are hopeless. I can't wait to have you here and you had better be coming. It's going to be amazing and I am already looking forward to September. You are going to love it here and I wonder what house you'll be in. This is all so exciting. See you soon.
From Lily

The scarlet ink was smudged in a few places due to my cousins apparent eagerness to write the letter. A warmth spread through me and I began to grin from ear to ear. I pushed back my chair and jumped to my feet. "I'm going to Hogwarts!" I squealed

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