The Hogsmeade Trip

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I got up early on that Saturday morning before the HogsMeade trip but someone was already up before me. I walked into the bathroom thinking I was alone and let out short scream of fright when I saw Marlene pacing up and down in a towel. My scream made her jump and she nearly lost grip of the towel. Her damp hair dripped water onto the cold floor and her hands clutched at the towel. We locked eyes and burst out laughing.
"Sorry." I wheezed between giggles.
"It's fine Cat I just... I'm a bit stressed about the ball next week." She sighed
"You? Stressed? Oh no no that isn't right what's up?" I asked concerned.

Marlene had been acting a little oddly recently and I had been meaning to talk to her but never got the chance. "I need to ask someone to the ball." She whispered. I almost laughed. "Marlene. Any guy would go with you in a heartbeat." She looked up at me from underneath her wet mass of hair. Almost inaudible she responded "It's not a guy." I was confused for a moment but I didn't question it if Marlene liked girls she liked girls but she was such a flirt I just didn't expect it. "Who?" I asked softly.
"Dorcas." She replied as quiet as possible.

I knew for a fact Dorcas had a crush on Marlene, she told me after too many firewhiskeys one night, but she had sworn me to secrecy. "Marlene, I think you should ask her."
"What if she thinks I mean it platonically. Or worse what if she hates me. I can't do this Cat!" She cried. "Drama Queen." I muttered "trust me Mars, ask her." Marlene nodded at me and I left the bathroom so she could get dressed. I hoped my friends could be happy together but I was scared for them. People could be so cruel but I would fight to defend them.

Not long later Marlene exited the bathroom a pleated black skirt, fishnets and AC/DC top under a leather jacket. "Your gonna freeze" I said. "For fashion? So be it." She cried dramatically and ran down to the common room cackling. I rolled my eyes. Her antics had woken a less than impressed Lily who cast a hex in the direction of the staircase but in her groggy state it veered to the side hitting Mary. Mary kept up and cast a hex back. I hurried into the bathroom to avoid the chaos.

I wore black denim skinny jeans, and collared shirt and dark grey sweatshirt I'd stolen from Sirius with a woolly black trench coat and ankle boots. My makeup was simple eyeliner and concealer paired with mascara and a clear gloss. Satisfied with my appearance I descended the staircase and sashayed across the common room to my boyfriend. He gave me an appeasing look and licked his lips. Leaning down so his silky hair brushed my cheek and his warm breath fanned against my neck he whispered into my ear " perhaps I ought to let you steal my clothes more often since you look so gorgeous in them. Good enough to eat." He finished snapping his teeth together before drawing back. I involuntarily shivered as he smirked at me.

He then grabbed my hand and dragged me down to the great hall for breakfast. I drank three cups of iced coffee. The caffeine made me even more excited for my first trip to Hogsmeade. I was all jittery and my I couldn't stop jiggling my leg. Sirius put his hand on my thigh. "Calm down Kitten." He said softly  I settled slightly. "Ugh PDA!" Groaned James as he slumped down next to me. " What's up with you mate did you ask Lily again?" Questioned Sirius good naturedly. James lifted his head. His glass sat crooked on his nose and his usually perfectly manicured hair was a state. "She's going with Snivellius." He rasped and his head hit the table again with a thunk. "What!?" Exclaimed Sirius " that slimeball."  He made as if to get up but I quickly grabbed his hand "Sirius No. Besides I owe you a kiss." Grudgingly he sat back down kissing me gently before turning to glare daggers into Snapes bac for the next half an hour. Remus and I rolled our eyes at him.

I saw Marlene and Dorcas come to the table just as we were leaving quite pink cheeked. I raised my eyebrows at Marlene and he nodded discreetly. I resisted the urge to squeal with glee. We all (Peter James Remus Sirius Marlene Mary Dorcas Cat) left the castle and headed down to Hogsmeade. As soon as we got there the boys headed off to Zonko's the joke shop and agreed to meet us in the three broomsticks in two hours. "Let's go dress shopping." Squealed Mary.

Giggling we ran down the street to the clothes shop. All the dresses were beautiful and I spent ages fingering all the different fabrics just for the feel of silk and velvet. I saw Marlene look longing at the suits. "They'd suit you." I said standing beside her. She gave me a sideways glanced but picked up one to try on any way.

It took us all a long time to choose but eventually we all excited the store with a purchase all of us had dresses except for Marlene who had taken my advice and decide to rock a suit and stilettos.

We met the boys in the pub and I ordered an iced coffee while everyone else had butter beer. The amber liquid just was t appealing to me. Not long after we had sat down Severus and Lily walked in holding hands. She looked at the tinsel hanging on the walls as if he wanted to strangle himself with it. Lily caught sight of us all and excitedly dragged Severus over with her. She began to gush over this dress she saw going on about the perfect colour of green it was. "Oh and Sev is gonna wear matching tie." She finished. Snape nodded stiffly. "Excuse me I feel quite ill." Said James and rushed off. Lily rolled her eyes and scoffed " what is up with him?" I frowned at my cousin
"You can be really insensitive sometimes Lils" I said. "Just because your dating Black doesn't mean you have to defend James. He's like a lost puppy sometimes." She laughed. "Because I'm dating Black? What does Sirius have to do with seeing what is so blatantly in front of you Lily?"

Severus rolled his eyes and sneered at me "it's not as if your fling with Black will last long his parents would never allow him to be with somebody like you." I looked him dead in his cold black eyes and replied "what a mud blood?" His eyes widened and its seemed to go quiet "yeah I know what you call us behind our backs but names like that only have power if you let them." I picked up a knife from on the table and ran it across my arm watching the blood well. "I bleed as red as you do. My blood is no different to yours so I apologise for not giving a flying fuck what you think of me."

"You don't need to be so dramatic Cat." Said Lily and walked away with Snape in tow. "Are you okay Kitten." Sirius asked worriedly. Remus cast the charm to seal my cut. I nodded and we all headed back to the castle to comfort James.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I hope you enjoy this chapter and leave a comment if you want erm thanks

"Kitten" Sirius Black x OC Where stories live. Discover now