The Consumption of too much Firewhiskey

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Sirius was silent on the walk back to the castle. He held my hand in his gloved one but couldn't meet my eyes. As we climbed the stone staircase he slowed until we had dropped behind the rest of the group who were hurrying to find James. As soon as they had rounded a corner about ten metres ahead of us he tugged me forcefully into a hidden alcove. I squeaked as I bumped straight into his chest trying not to fall over.

My nose pressed into his dark sweatshirt and I inhaled the lingering scent of cigarettes and wet dog as his grip around me tightened. I could feel his heart pounding through the fabric. "Sirius?" I whispered. He was silent. He pulled me closer until there was no space between us and I could feel my ribs creak in protest as his strong arms attempted to compress them to the point of being flat against my organs. "Don't you ever." He rasped shakily into my hair "Ever hurt yourself again." He took a deep breathe before continuing. " I know you were only proving a point but I can't..." he stuttered " I can't bare to see you hurt at all." He released me then and I looked up at him past the dark locks fluffing out from his scalp like clouds in hell and saw tears shining in his beautiful eyes.

I flung my arms around him despite the confined space. "I'm sorry Siri I didn't mean to upset you I promise I won't do it again." I whispered fervently against his chest. His voice was so soft it was practically inaudible when he responded and yet those three small words where all I needed. " I love you." He murmured. I looked up at him. " I love you too." I responded. He gently pressed his lips to mine. Our foreheads rested together. "We should get back." He whispered. I nodded and backed slowly out of the alcove. Hurriedly we headed to the common room.

Having been at Hogsmeade for most the day we had all missed dinner and the sky outside I noted to be a deep blue and the sun was already dawning in Australia as I looked out the paned windows. We entered the common room and I cast my eyes about in search of James. Marlenes whistled at us as Sirius follows me through the portrait hole. I felt my cheeks heat slightly but rushed over to them anyway. I rested my hand gently on James' shoulder. "I'm sorry. For someone so smart Lily can be really clueless." He flinched when I said my cousins name and I let my hand slip off his shoulder.

"Fuck her." He proclaimed. A joke darted through my mind but I didn't think it would have the greatest reception in the state James was in. "I need to get wasted." He continued. I raised my eyebrows silently at Remus who was usually the voice of reason. He shrugged in a noncommittal manner and turned his attention back to the messy haired boy slumped in the armchair.  "I need to be hammered, trollied, good and sloshed." Declared James flinging his arms about wildly and nearly hitting Dorcas in the face. "Okay mate." Said Sirius "just wait a bit for most people to go to bed okay?" James groaned loudly but nodded anyway. I stared pointedly at my boyfriend who responded with the same shrug as Remus. "We are all gonna get absolutely smashed." Declared James.

I slumped against the side of James' chair on the floor in defeat. Sirius slipped down next to me and wrapped an arm around me pulling me against him. I drifted into a peaceful snooze.

"Kitten." I felt gentle hands shaking me awake. I groaned slightly at being woken from my peaceful nap. I glared at my grinning boyfriend. "Enjoy your cat nap Cat?" He smirked. I narrowed my eyes further. He laughed slightly and got up and jogged up to the boys dorm. By the time I stood up he was back with a box in his arms. A box full of fire whiskey.

He handed me a glass of the stuff. I studied it for a minute. "Your meant to drink it you know." Said Sirius smiling lazily. It wasn't my first time drinking whiskey but I was curious as to what wizards whiskey was like. I locked eyes with my boyfriend and downed the cup in one. His dark brown eyes widened. "Merlin Cat!" cried Remus "He said drink it not shoot it.". The boys sandy eyebrows had shot up into his hairline when I downed the drink. I slowly licked my lips. "Doesn't taste any different to the whiskey back home just burns a bit more." I replied nonchalantly. Remus shook his head in parent like exasperation. "Guys!" slurred James. "We should play truth or drink." Sirius quirked an eyebrow at me. I shrugged innocently. (I definitely had not been teaching James muggle drinking games.) The 8 of us collected in a circle of the red carpet.

"Okay," giggled Marlene "Remus, who are you taking to the ball?" Remus ran a hand through his Sandy hair and furrowed his eyebrows. He slowly bit his bottom lip and looked across the circle to an unsuspecting James who was staring forlornly at his empty glass. Leaning forward, Remus got on one knee, looked up at James through his golden lashes and in a slightly drunk manner loudly proclaimed "James Fleamont Potter, will you do the honour of escorting me to the Yule Ball." The empty glass hit the floor with a dull thud. I gasped silently my inner fan girl screaming.

James looked up at Remus his jaw hanging open in disbelief. Sweat slowly started to bead on his forehead. In a single swift movement James flung himself at Remus knocking him back. Remus' head bumped roughly against the sofa as James locked his lips on his. Sirius wolf whistled loudly making the two pull apart blushing. "Err yeah mate I'll go with you." Said James slurring his words slightly. Remus coughed and nodded scratching the back of his neck lightly.

Dorcas giggled. "Alright," said James "My turn to ask a question. Sirius, you shagged Cat yet?" I choked on my drink. Sirius smirked and took a shot. "Damn." Laughed Peter. I hit Sirius' arm hard. He yelped loudly giving me a wounded look. "You." I hit him again "take." I punctuated each word with a punch "that. Back. You. Insufferable. Little. Shit. We. Have. Not." Sirius riled back laughing as I assailed him with blows. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He cried .

He pushed up suddenly, and slammed his lips on mine. Maybe fire whiskey was more potent than I thought or maybe kissing Sirius felt like a drug but when his lips were on mine it felt like every nerve in my body was on fire. He pulled away and grabbed my hand dragging me up the stairs to the boys dorm while the rest of the circle continued to titter.

He lay me down on the bed and propped himself above me. "God I love you Kitten." He whispered and promptly passed out on top of me. I giggled shifting his weight so it wasn't pressing on me too much and fell asleep with him in my arms.

Thank you to anyone who has read this and I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while online school is killing me. Hope you enjoyed this chapter

"Kitten" Sirius Black x OC Where stories live. Discover now