6: Come Over

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"I'll call you tonight", I said to my girlfriend and pressed a kiss to her lips. Her hand on my neck stopped me from pulling away and Callie deepened the kiss. Her tongue darting out, swiping over my lips to part them. Reluctantly, I did so, but our tongues only fought for dominance for a short second before I finally managed to pull away. "Babe, I really have to get home. My dad is waiting for me." She smiled a small smile and let go of my hand after pressing one last peck to the back of it. I smiled back, waved and turned around. Walking out of the school and onto the busy streets.

Once at home, after a 20 minute journey by bus, I threw my backpack into a corner of the hallway and walked to the kitchen, where I suspected my dad to be. Like I thought, he was standing by the stove, making lunch. "Hi, dad", I greeted him. "Hello, darling", he said back, "Josh should be home any minute now." I nodded in acknowledgement. Josh is my older brother. He is already at university. Just on cue, I heard the front door open again and Josh entered.

He came into the living room, where I had moved to after having greeted my dad. "Hey", he said to me. Then coming up and ruffling my hair. I shoved him back after making a sound of disapproval and tried to get the newly made knots out of my hair. "Kids, food is ready", my dad yelled and then after seeing us he added, "Josh leave her be, you know she gets fussy about the hair." I smiled at my dad gratefully and sent a triumphant smirk in my brothers' direction. It actually didn't bother me that much, but I loved having dad on my side.

Then I stood up and trudged to the table. Josh took a seat on the chair beside me and Dad brought in the plates with the food. As Dad had already sat the table with cutlery and glasses we were able to dig right in. We started eating quietly but soon Dad started asking us about our days. Josh told him how a professor at university was being stupid and had given them a group project even though it was exam season. I didn't really have anything to report, you know, school is school. Some nice teachers, more stupid teachers and you just trying to get through the day.

But I told him anyway, about what classes I had had and how much homework I had gotten. It wasn't really interesting but he listened nonetheless. That's what I loved about my dad. No matter how boring it was, he always listened. He makes us feel appreciated and loved. Josh and I were his great treasures, that's what he always tells us. Soon we were finished with eating and each brought our plate to the kitchen and put it into the dishwasher. Then, after lunch, I went to my room to start on my homework.

Only that's not what I did. As soon as I came to my room, school was long forgotten. Laying on the bed all I did for the next hour was be on my phone. Just scrolling through Instagram, liking some memes on the way. Suddenly, I remembered that I had promised Callie I'd call her. I scrambled into a sitting position, opening my contacts and dialling her number. She picked up after two rings with a happy, "Hey, Babe."

"Hi", I said back, "how are you. I miss you." I could practically feel her smile through the phone. "You just same me this morning", she answered, her beautiful voice reaching my ear. "I can still miss you", I whined. A laugh escaped my girlfriends' lips, which made me smile as well. "Of course you can, Babe. But you don't need to. I'm always there for you. Just a phone call away." My smile widened at that. "That's sweet, Baby." We talked for another ten or fifteen minutes, but then sadly Callie had to hang up because her mum needed her for something. Before we agreed that I would ask my dad if she could come over, though.

So immediately after, I tossed my phone on my bed and skipped to the living room, where I suspected Dad to be. Just like I thought, he was sitting on the sofa reading a book with his reading glasses on. I approached him and addressed him to let him know that I was there and wanted to ask him something. "I just wanted to ask if Callie can come over, to hang out", I said. He looked at me and raised his eyebrow. "To kiss, you rather mean", he laughed, whereas I blushed madly. "Well.. um, that's bound to happen as well, isn't it?", I asked meekly. Again he just laughed.

"Have you done your homework, yet?", he then asked. "Well, not all of it. But the ones I still haven't done are not till tomorrow so it's fine", I lied. "Well, I guess then there's nothing in the way, is there?", Dad said. I nearly squealed right then and there. "Thanks, Dad!" I instantly texted Callie to tell she's allowed to come over.

The next like half an hour was torture, waiting for Callie to arrive. But then when the doorbell finally rang I jumped up and ran to the door. I pulled it open and jumped into my girlfriends' arms. "I missed you", I whispered in her ear. She hugged me tighter to her body while stepping into the house. After a short while I pulled back and pressed my lips to hers instead, engaging her in a passionate kiss. Our tongues clashed together like there was no tomorrow. I got so lost in our little world that I totally forgot where I was. Only until I heard someone clear their throat, though.

We immediately pulled apart and looked in the direction of the noise. Behind us stood not only my dad but also Josh. The latter laughing while Dad just had this stupid grin on his face. I blushed furiously and quickly pulled Callie with me to my room after she had taken off her shoes. As soon as we were in my room and the door was securely shut, we continued were we had left off...

Words: 1068
It snowed here on thursday! Everything was white when I woke up in the morning, and then I took like a walk in the snow with my best friend in the evening. It was amazing!! By now everything melted again, though :( . I hope you liked this story. Tell me what you think and leave ideas. Please comment and vote. <3

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