4: Secret Relationship

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"Bye, Cutie", my boyfriend said just after he had pressed one last kiss to my lips. He sent a wink my way and left the bathroom, disappearing in the busy hallways of our school.

I sighed, leaning back against the wall of the small stall. Being with Harry was difficult for me. We were now together for about three months and I really like him. But the problem was, that he wasn't out. Obviously I was ready to give him all the time he needed to come out, but being in a secret relationship still took a toll on me.
The whole school knew I was gay and no one gave me any shit for it. Another point where it's difficult for me to understand Harry. I mean, I get where he's coming from, but for me it would have definitely made it easier if I had known how accepting my school was.

I sighed again, getting back to my feet and ran a hand through my hair to fix it. Then I exited the bathroom. Getting my books from my locker and going to my class. I immediately spot Lukas, my best friend. He was talking to Harry, which isn't a surprise since we were all in the same friend group. I walked over to them and greeted them with a 'Hey'. They smiled in recognition and immediately included me into their conversation. It's not like I really listened, though. They were talking about their favourite TV show or something.

Not much later the teacher came. We all rushed to our places, me next to Lukas and Harry in the row in front of us with Casper, another mutual friend of ours. My gaze locked to the back of his head immediately, completely drowning out the teacher going on about some literature shit. After a few minutes Lukas hit my arm lightly. "Dude? Earth to Peter... you there?", he asked. My attention snapped to him, looking at him questioningly. "Where the fuck were you? 'Cause you definitely weren't here." My cheeks flushed a light pink. "J-just thinking...", I answered. Lukas gave me a disbelieving look, raising an eyebrow along with it, but deciding not to say anything. I turned back to the front and lost myself once again at the thought of my boyfriend.


A few lessons later, we were all sat in the cafeteria eating lunch. Lukas in between Casper and me, Harry across with our other two friends. We were all engrossed into a conversation, talking and eating all at once. Suddenly, I felt a foot touch mine and starting to play footsies. I blushed furiously, looking up and at Harry, who just shot me a short smirk before going back to the conversation. I couldn't concentrate after that. Nearly forgetting that I was in school with my friends. Falling into a world with just my boyfriend and me.

I tried going back to eating my food and not letting it show that my heart was beating like crazy. My plate seeming very interesting, just looking down to hide my blush. The fact that Harry's feet were still playing with mine didn't make it any better.


Next to me Lukas talked about everything and nothing, while I was just trying to actually understand one word per sentence so I could at least say I was listening. We just passed the school doors when my best friend caught on that I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. "Peter!", he nearly yelled and shoved me slightly at the shoulder, "You're not listening at all. What's up with you today?" I tripped over my own feet at the thought of being caught. Quickly looking at him and assuring him that I was fine. By the look on his face I could tell that he was not at all convinced, but he let it slide once again.

Finally, after twenty minutes we arrived at my house, at which he was staying overnight. It was a spontaneous thought we had, deciding to have a sleep over since we hadn't had one in weeks. And also my parents weren't home this evening. It was no problem that Lukas had no things with him to stay the night. We have had toothbrushes and all at each others houses since we were like six or something, just in case. And he could easily borrow some of my clothes as we were nearly the same hight anyway.

As soon as we got into the house, we went to my room to change into some joggers, not wanting to stay in jeans for the rest of the day. Then we got ourselves some food and sat down on the couch. Turning on the TV and watching some trash series, that my best friend apparently liked. After we finished eating, we switched from watching TV to playing video games. I had quite a few, so we needn't be worried about running of games.

We got completely lost in the games, time flying past as if it were on the run. Suddenly, at around half past seven, the doorbell rang. Lukas and I both jumping about half a metre in the air, not having expected anyone to want anything from us. After recovering from my initial shock I paused the game, stood up and went to the door. Lukas couldn't be bothered to stand up and decided to stay on the couch, being able to see the door from there anyway.

I opened the door and froze in my movements, my face breaking into a smile, though as I saw Harry standing on my doorstep. He smiled back with just as much enthusiasm. My gaze got lost in his eyes, falling into them and staying captured. Then I remembered Lukas in my living room and cleared my throat, taking a step back. "Oh, hey Harry", I said. Trying to tell him we weren't alone as I never used his name otherwise. My boyfriend just made a confused face and stepped forward into my house.

His face getting dangerously close to mine. "Hey, babe", he whispered just before his lips met mine. Like every time, the kiss made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. I kissed back, enjoying the taste of his mouth on mine. Then pulling back though. "Harry, Lukas is here...", I mumbled, my voice fading in the end. My boyfriend's eyes shot open almost comically. His head lifting to look over my shoulder.

I could tell Harry was starting to panic, so I took his hand in mine and brought it to my chest. "Harry, it's alright, babe. Concentrate on my heartbeat", I whispered into his ear and continued mumbling soft, reassuring words. When I noticed his breathing going back to normal, I slowly lead him to the living room to Lukas.

"Umm, Lukas...", I started once we were in front of him. Harry placed his hand on the small of my back. Sliding it up to my shoulder, squeezing it once and pulling me back a bit. Then he cleared his throat and took my hand for support. "We're together", he said with a surprisingly steady voice, "have been for a while. Sorry we didn't tell you."

My best friend looked between us, left and right, left and right. His face holding a confused look. Lukas lifted his hand pointing at us. "You're together?", he asked unbelievingly. I nodded, a smile on my face. "Well, um, okay. Congratulations, I guess." My boyfriend mumbled a quiet 'thanks' and stepped forward to flop down on the couch next to Lukas. I sat down next to him. Pulling up my feet and leaning against him.

We got over the awkward stage pretty quickly. Immediately falling into a conversation. I drifted off with my thoughts, letting Harry and Lukas do the talking. In this moment I was content, I was happy. Being able to call Harry my boyfriend and cuddle him in the presence of Lukas. And even though it was only one person we were out to, at least it was still one person. And that was a start.

"You know, I'm happy for the two of you", Lukas' voice shook me back. "Yeah", Harry nodded his head, "we make great couple, right?" He pulled me closer by my waist and kissed my temple. I turned my head to him, a soft smile on my lips, fond look in my eyes. Pressing my mouth to his. My smile widening as I could feel his against my lips.

All in all, I would say it was a great day!

Words: 1435

Hii, I really hope you liked It. This took me like forever to write, but I feel like it turned out great. I'd apprechiate it if you told me what you think. Please vote, comment, share. If you like and have ideas, you can also request stories. Thank you <3

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